“Keep Your Hands Off My Daughter” Aggressive Child Won’t Leave Her Child Alone

“Keep Your Hands Off My Daughter” Aggressive Child Won’t Leave Her Child Alone

Taking your child to the playground is supposed to be a fun and carefree experience. However, when another child’s behavior becomes aggressive and inappropriate, it can be a stressful and upsetting situation for both the child and parent. Event At Local Park The mother, who we’ll call ‘Lila, began her story by saying that she…

Is Your Home Starting To Look Like A Pigsty? Try These Tips To Keep Your House Clean With Children

Is Your Home Starting To Look Like A Pigsty? Try These Tips To Keep Your House Clean With Children

Keeping a clean house can be challenging with children, as they often create messes and clutter. However, with some careful planning and organization, it is possible to maintain a tidy and clean home. Here are some ways to keep your house clean with children: Establish a Cleaning Routine Establishing a cleaning routine can help you…

Parenting Is More Difficult Now Than In Previous Generations – Here’s Why

Parenting Is More Difficult Now Than In Previous Generations – Here’s Why

Being a parent has always been demanding, but today’s parents face unique struggles that make child-rearing even more challenging: Work-Life Imbalance Dual-income households and long work hours leave less time for kids. Flexible schedules are rare in today’s working environments. Technology Distractions Managing screen time and constant digital connectivity for parents and children is a…

“Don’t Expect Me To Prepare Fancy Food” Woman Refuses To Play Hostess Right After Giving Birth

“Don’t Expect Me To Prepare Fancy Food” Woman Refuses To Play Hostess Right After Giving Birth

A woman is wondering if she is in the wrong for not planning to be a good hostess while her in-laws are visiting. To Be A Good Host Or Not To Be A woman asks if she should be a good hostess to her in-laws visiting, given that she is 3 weeks postpartum. This woman,…

“$10K Should Be Enough To Cover Costs” Boomer Dad Says Son Is Spoiled Because His Wedding Costs More Than His Own

“$10K Should Be Enough To Cover Costs” Boomer Dad Says Son Is Spoiled Because His Wedding Costs More Than His Own

A man is wondering if he is wrong for being stingy when helping to pay for his son’s wedding. Engaged Son The 57-year-old man said his 23-year-old son is engaged to a woman named Peggy. “They have been engaged for 5 months or so.” Giving Money For The Wedding “Our culture dictates that Peggy’s father…

Stop Tantrums In Public Spaces: 10 Tips To Have A Behaved Child

Stop Tantrums In Public Spaces: 10 Tips To Have A Behaved Child

Taking your child to public spaces, such as restaurants, stores, or parks, can be a fun and educational experience. However, it can also be challenging to ensure that your child behaves appropriately in these environments. Here are some ways to make sure your child is well-behaved in public spaces: Set Clear Expectations Before going to…

Navigate The Hormones And Mood Swings: 10 Tips To Raising A Teenager

Navigate The Hormones And Mood Swings: 10 Tips To Raising A Teenager

Raising a teenager can be a challenging but rewarding experience. Here are ten tips for parents to help navigate the teenage years and raise happy, healthy, and successful teens. Communicate Openly Open and honest communication is essential when raising a teenager. Encourage your teen to share their thoughts and feelings with you, and be willing…

Improved Leadership Skills – 6 Reasons Why You Should Teach Empathy To Your Young Children

Improved Leadership Skills – 6 Reasons Why You Should Teach Empathy To Your Young Children

Empathy is an important trait for children to develop, as it helps them understand and connect with others. Here are some reasons why raising an empathetic child is important: Better Relationships Empathy helps children develop better relationships with others, as they are able to understand and connect with others on a deeper level. This can…

Overthinking, Social Media And More – 10 Ways You Might Be Wasting Your Time As A Stay At Home Mom

Overthinking, Social Media And More – 10 Ways You Might Be Wasting Your Time As A Stay At Home Mom

Being a stay-at-home mom can be a challenging and rewarding job, but it can also be easy to fall into time-wasting habits. Here are some ways stay-at-home moms may be wasting their time: Social Media and Screen Time Spending too much time on social media or other screens can be a major time-waster. It’s easy…

Boundaries And Emotions: 10 Ways To Avoid Raising Obnoxious Kids

Boundaries And Emotions: 10 Ways To Avoid Raising Obnoxious Kids

A woman recently posed this question on Reddit: “I’ve met a lot of people who come from a seemingly loving, two parent homes, are educated and by all accounts, technically, well adjusted,” the woman began. But she also notes that many of the individuals she met with this background have the same personality traits: entitled…

Public School vs. Homeschooling: Which is Right for Your Child?

Public School vs. Homeschooling: Which is Right for Your Child?

Choosing between public school and homeschooling can be a difficult decision for parents. Here are some factors to consider when deciding which option is right for your child: Socialization Public schools provide ample opportunities for socialization with peers, while homeschooling can be more isolating. However, homeschooling families can still participate in co-ops, clubs, and community…

10 Useless Purchases First Time Moms Regretted Once Baby Arrived

10 Useless Purchases First Time Moms Regretted Once Baby Arrived

Many parents (including me) end up purchasing so much more than what they need during the nesting period before they actually give birth. Unfortunately, many of these items can be a waste of money and time, leading to parents feeling frustrated and overwhelmed. With that said, the community of Reddit’s Beyond The Bump shares the…

12 Things Parents Never Thought They’ll Do When They Have Kids – But Ended Up Doing

12 Things Parents Never Thought They’ll Do When They Have Kids – But Ended Up Doing

Before becoming a parent, many people have strong opinions and beliefs about how they will raise their children. However, once they have kids, those beliefs can quickly change. Here are six things that people vowed not to do before they became parents but do now. No Bathroom Visitors “I thought it was SO WEIRD how…

Boomers Recommending Rice Cereal Is Driving Millennials Nuts

Boomers Recommending Rice Cereal Is Driving Millennials Nuts

In the subreddit r/beyondthebump, a Redditor shows her annoyance at people’s recommendation to feed rice cereal to babies. Further along in the thread, users agree that this is a piece of advice most commonly given by Boomers. As more and more Millennials reach child-rearing age, they take to Reddit to rant about advice that many…

Less Parenting Pressure – 7 Reasons Why It’s Better To Have More Than One Child

Less Parenting Pressure – 7 Reasons Why It’s Better To Have More Than One Child

Deciding whether to have one child or more can be a difficult decision for many parents. While there are benefits to having only one child, there are also many benefits to having more than one. Here are some reasons why having more than one child is better: Siblings Provide Lifelong Companionship One of the biggest…

“Everything I Do Is A Fail” Unrealistic Parenting Standards Distresses Clueless New Mom

“Everything I Do Is A Fail” Unrealistic Parenting Standards Distresses Clueless New Mom

As social media continues to dominate our lives, it’s common to feel like we’re falling behind compared to the seemingly perfect lives of social media influencers. A mother recently shared her distress about the unrealistic parenting standards set by online influencers, as she struggles to meet the expectations laid out by these individuals. Parenting Standards…

“They Dont Pick Up Their Child For Hours” Woman Frustrated That Strangers Leave Son With Her For Hours On End

“They Dont Pick Up Their Child For Hours” Woman Frustrated That Strangers Leave Son With Her For Hours On End

A woman is fed up with having to babysit her child’s friend for hours at a time as her the child’s parents don’t pick their child up on time.  The Backstory Making new friends in a new city can be a challenge, but it can be even more complicated when those new friends’ parents start…

“He Used To Be Supportive” Woman Upset That Husband Has Become Condescending

“He Used To Be Supportive” Woman Upset That Husband Has Become Condescending

A new mother is considering leaving her partner due to his lack of support and negative behavior towards her and their 6-month-old daughter. Despite his initial support during their daughter’s early weeks of life, the partner has become distant and uninvolved. The mother is frustrated with his behavior and is unsure of how to proceed….

Hide Veggies In Lasagna And More Tips! 10 Genius Ways To Make Your Kids Eat Vegetables

Hide Veggies In Lasagna And More Tips! 10 Genius Ways To Make Your Kids Eat Vegetables

Many children seem to hate eating vegetables. How can you make them eat vegetables? This list will give you some tips on how to make your children eat more vegetables. Roast with Seasoning One person shared that roasting vegetables make them more palatable: “Roast! Broccoli, asparagus, Brussel sprouts are amazing with olive oil, garlic, salt…

“Mommy, I Need A Bath” Daycare Tells Preschooler She Smells Bad And Her Mother Is Furious

“Mommy, I Need A Bath” Daycare Tells Preschooler She Smells Bad And Her Mother Is Furious

A mother is seeking advice after her 4-year-old daughter came home from daycare and told her that one of the daycare providers told her she smells bad and needs to take a bath. The mother is trying to gather more information and plans to talk to the daycare provider, but is unsure of how to…

More Kids, More Happy? People Weigh In On Whether You Should Have Kids To Solve Sadness

More Kids, More Happy? People Weigh In On Whether You Should Have Kids To Solve Sadness

One woman posed a question about whether she should have a second child to increase her happiness. The responses were divided. The question of whether having a second child increases happiness is a topic of interest for many parents. Many ask this question when deciding whether they want to try for a second or third…

Toy Rotation And More: 10 Ways to Live Clutter-Free Even with Small Children

Toy Rotation And More: 10 Ways to Live Clutter-Free Even with Small Children

Living clutter-free with small children can seem like an impossible task, but it is possible with some simple strategies. Here are some ways to keep your home organized and clutter-free, even with little ones running around: Purge Regularly One of the most important things you can do to live clutter-free with small children is to…

Thinking Of Having Another Child? Here Are 10 Disadvantages Of Having Multiple Kids

Thinking Of Having Another Child? Here Are 10 Disadvantages Of Having Multiple Kids

While having multiple kids can be a rewarding experience, it can also come with some disadvantages. Here are some reasons why having multiple kids may not be the best choice for everyone: Financial Strain One of the biggest disadvantages of having multiple kids is the financial strain that comes with raising a larger family. With…

Is It Harsh To Say You Regrets Bringing Children Into This World? One Woman Doesn’t Think So

Is It Harsh To Say You Regrets Bringing Children Into This World? One Woman Doesn’t Think So

A new parent shares her frustrations with motherhood, and how she realized that parenting is not for her. The responses are mixed. The Complaint The woman said her daughter is 2-years-old and that she enjoys doing the ‘fun’ stuff together, such as going to trampoline parks, and vacations. However, she dislikes the day-to-day. “I hate…

Should Parents Be Responsible For Children And Grandparent Relationship

Should Parents Be Responsible For Children And Grandparent Relationship

One woman is wondering how often is realistic to visit her parents so they can have a relationship with her son. They Don’t Make An Effort As much as grandparents are known for their love towards their grandchildren, the relationship can be complicated. A woman, who we’ll call Amy, is seeking validation, and shared her…

“I Don’t Want To See My In-Laws Every Night!” Woman Tired Of Seeing Her In-Laws All The Time

“I Don’t Want To See My In-Laws Every Night!” Woman Tired Of Seeing Her In-Laws All The Time

A woman has gotten sick and tired of going to her in-laws every single night and thinks it is excessive. Her partner disagrees. A woman who we’ll call Rita recently shared her frustration with going to her in laws every night. Rita shared that she and her partner work six days a week and get…

“She’s Always Been Boy Crazy” Woman Wants To Teach Her Self-Centered Daughter A Lesson

“She’s Always Been Boy Crazy” Woman Wants To Teach Her Self-Centered Daughter A Lesson

A woman, who we’ll call ‘Diane’ is wondering if she should start charging her middle child for rent to teach her a lesson. Supporting Adult Children Diane has three daughters, all of whom live at home with her and her husband. The oldest daughter has disabilities and is currently receiving services for job readiness. She…

“They Were Unsuccessful Until Now” They Ignored Her When She Had A Baby, Now They’re Reaching Out After They Got Pregnant

“They Were Unsuccessful Until Now” They Ignored Her When She Had A Baby, Now They’re Reaching Out After They Got Pregnant

A woman is wondering how to handle a situation with her brother and sister-in-law who ignored them when she had her first-born child. The Backstory A couple has shared their experience of being ignored by the woman’s older brother and sister-in-law after having their first baby girl. They have only just met them again after…

“I’m Concerned For My Daughter” Woman Dumbfounded After Her Father Set Up A Trust Fund For Her Daughter

“I’m Concerned For My Daughter” Woman Dumbfounded After Her Father Set Up A Trust Fund For Her Daughter

A woman is confused when her father offered to create a trust fund for her own daughter. Inheritance can be a touchy subject, especially when it comes to young children. In this case, a new mother is concerned about her daughter inheriting a significant amount of money from her grandfather. She is unsure if it…

Narcissist Woman Angry After Daughter Shaved Her Legs Without Her Permission

Narcissist Woman Angry After Daughter Shaved Her Legs Without Her Permission

A woman is angered after she found out that her daughter shaved her leg without her permission, and with the help of her step-mother. Parenting can be tricky, especially when it comes to blended families. A stepmother recently found herself in hot water when she offered to shave her stepdaughter’s legs. While she thought she…

10 Tips To Help Increase Your Child’s Confidence With Ease

10 Tips To Help Increase Your Child’s Confidence With Ease

Raising a confident child is important for their overall well-being and success in life. Here are some ways you can help your child build self-confidence: Encourage Independence Encourage your child to do things on their own, such as getting dressed or making their own breakfast. This helps them build a sense of independence and self-reliance….

Her Narcissistic Mother Continue To Be Critical Of Her As A First-Time Mom

Her Narcissistic Mother Continue To Be Critical Of Her As A First-Time Mom

A woman is at her wit’s ends as her mom continues to be critical of her as a first-time mother. Being a first-time parent can be an overwhelming experience, especially when dealing with criticism from a parent or grandparent. In this case, a new mother is struggling with her boomer mom’s critical comments and trying…

Saying No To Youtube Kids And Sippy Cups: 10 Moms Share Mainstream Parenting Habits That They Can’t Get On Board With

Saying No To Youtube Kids And Sippy Cups: 10 Moms Share Mainstream Parenting Habits That They Can’t Get On Board With

Parenting is a personal journey and every mother has her own way of doing things. However, there are some things that most moms do that some just didn’t do. Here are some examples of some of the things that some moms skip or do differently. Sippy Cups “Sippy cups! I thought after bottles, my kiddo…

“He’s Happy After His Mother Evicted Him” Mother’s Actions Backfired After Evicting Her Son

“He’s Happy After His Mother Evicted Him” Mother’s Actions Backfired After Evicting Her Son

A man’s mother evicted him from home but her actions backfired as his aunt takes him in.  Parenting is never an easy task, and it’s not uncommon for family members to have different views on how children should be raised. In one recent incident, a woman, who we’ll call Julie, shared her story of how…