Kids Say The Darnest Things! 8 Times Children Majorly Embarrassed Parents
Children say (and do) the darndest things. Parents share experiences with their children that made them want to hide under a rock.
“This was back in 1998. I live in a fairly small town in British Columbia Canada. It is about 99.9% white people. I had my daughter at the grocery store and there was a person of colour at the checkout. My two-year-old pointed at her and said “Oprah!” Oprah!!” I died. My soul left my body. Completely full of grace, the lady laughed and laughed and then said “Oh I wish I was Oprah!””
An Eagle
“Apparently, when I was young, I couldn’t say the word eagle right. One day while out somewhere a person of color was standing under a painting of an eagle, and little me shouted “Look mommy! A neagle! A neagle!””
Running Around In The Hotel
“My wife and I were in Vegas for work when my son was about 3. We hired a babysitter so we could go out to dinner. The babysitter arrived as we were changing my son and the second the hotel room door opened he sprinted. It caught the sitter off guard and my son got a good head start. He ran down two hallways without clothes, with us running behind him before we managed to catch up and grab him. He ran by several other guests including a group of young men who were cheering him on. On the way back he repeatedly yelled, “everybody sees my peepee”. I’m retrospect it’s hilarious, at the time it was not.”
Seeing A Genie
“My child was about 4 years old and this was the early 80s, we’re on a bus and a Sikh gentleman walked on the bus and my kid says oh look Mommy it’s a genie.”
Seeing A Ninja
“When we were in London, my 4-year-old saw a Muslim woman in full burka, only a slit for the eyes and he yelled, “Look mum, it’s a ninja””
Would You Like A Bag?
“My 4-year-old walked in on me while I was changing my pad. He was concerned about me bleeding so I explained to him that I’m ok. The next day I took him to our local mom & pop toy shop and when we got to the counter to pay he said to the owners, “My mommy’s bleeding from her Pee Pee but she’s ok.” They said. “oh ok, would you like a bag.””
Why They Were Late
“My friends’ kid at church was super excited to tell me that the reason they were late is because his dad had diarrhea and stayed on the toilet for a long time.”
These 8 Tips Will Ensure Your Kids Don’t Become Annoying Human Beings
A woman wonders how to raise children that are not obnoxious, and the responses are insightful.
These Tips Will Make Sure Your Kids Don’t Turn Into Annoying Human Beings
Toddler Tales: 8 Embarrassing Things Toddlers Have Said In Public
Toddlers are known for their uncensored and sometimes inappropriate comments, especially in public places. From shouting about bodily functions to revealing family secrets, toddlers have a way of keeping us on our toes. Here are some of the most embarrassing things people shared that their toddlers and older kids have said in public.
Toddler Tales: 8 Embarrassing Things Toddlers Have Said In Public
Don’t Pull Your Hair Out On Your Road Trip: Tips To Have A Smooth Trip When Travelling With A Toddler
Planning a road trip with your little one? These tips will help you prepare so you can have an enjoyable trip with your child.
To Travel Or Not To Travel? These Stories Of Travelling With A Toddler Will Make You Think Twice About Leaving Home
Some children travel well, and others don’t. While I don’t wish that any of these happen to you, it might be worth it to read about what might happen while travelling with a young child so you can prepare yourself.
10 Parenting Tips from the 90’s That Are Now Considered Taboo
The 90s were a time of great change in the world of parenting. Many of the parenting tips and techniques that were popular at the time are no longer followed by new parents today. Here are 10 parenting tips from the 90s that new parents no longer follow.
10 Parenting Tips from the 90’s That Are Now Considered Taboo
Source: Reddit