11 Phrases and Names Women Use For Their Kids That Give Other Moms the Ick
As mothers, we each have our distinct manner of speaking and addressing our children. Nevertheless, certain phrases and names can make other moms feel icky. Here are some common expressions and names used by women that can make other mothers cringe.
One person shared that they hate the term “kiddos,” finding it to be a dumb term that they’ve always hated.
“Momma” or “Mama”
Another person shared that they hate being called “momma” or “mama” by anyone other than their husband or child, as it makes them feel like they’re losing their identity.
“The term preggers just gives me the ick. The thing is it takes the same amount of effort as saying pregnant.”
“Baby Dance”
“Online in the ‘trying to conceive’ forums, people commonly use “baby dance” to refer to the act of trying to conceive and I find it so weird.”
“Hey mama!”
“You’re doing great, mama!”
“You got this, mama!”
Basically anything from another adult woman calling a mom “mama””
“I don’t love “littles” to refer to kids. Even worse if they’re not actually little! There’s a podcast host I LOVE but was so turned off at the beginning because she introduces herself every episode as the mom of 3 littles. Her kids at 7, 9, and 11…”
“DH” and “LO”
Another person shared that they don’t like the abbreviations “DH” (for dear husband) and “LO” (for little ones) in forums, as they’re usually used in posts where the “dear husband” is anything but dear.
Funnily enough, someone chimed in and said, “I should not admit this, but I always read “LO” as “living offspring”. It means “little one”? This whole time…”
“One of my friends (completely serious) calls her kids her cherubs. I hate it”
“”Girly” – I find it slightly belittling and shallow. I have been called this by other grown women and I just do not like it.”
“Nuggets” and “Earthside”
“Referring to babies in utero as “nuggets.” Talking about babies in utero like “can’t wait for this baby to be earthside!” Earthside? Hello? What planet is my uterus on? Is it an inter dimensional rift? Also growing to hate the term “bump,” but mainly because my sweet MIL whom I otherwise like asks for bump pictures and says “look at that beautiful bump!” when I do send pics”
“Fell Pregnant”
Another person shared that they don’t like the term “fell pregnant,” as it’s not a passive activity.
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