5 Impractical Things Parents Continue to Do Despite the Struggle

Being a parent is not an easy job, and sometimes we do things that are impractical just to make our kids happy. Here are five things parents continue to do despite the struggle.

mom reading card
Image Credit: PR Image Factory via Canva.com.

Refusing to Give Your Child Bangs

Mom cutting the hair
Image Credit: wutzkoh via Canva.com.

As one mom says, “My girl is gonna be 3, I still refuse to get her bangs because I was forced to have them until I was 10 and I hated it so much. Meanwhile, I have to wrestle her to do her hair each morning, why do I do this to myself.” While it’s understandable to want to spare your child the same haircut you hated, sometimes it’s best to let go of the past and make things easier in the present.

Contact Napping with Your Baby

Mother and father napping with baby
Image Credit: Brand X Pictures from Photo Images via Canva.com.

Another mom admits, “Contact napping a lot with my 5 month old, while house is a mess and I have things to do. But transferring her to her crib usually ends up in a really short nap.” While it may be tempting to keep your baby close and snuggled up to you, it may not be the most practical solution when you have a to-do list a mile long.

Touching “Bubbles” Before Bedtime

Family reading bedtime
Image Credit: Yuganov Konstantin via Canva.com.

One parent says, “I put these battery-operated lights that look like bubbles around my twins ‘chandelier’ style light that came with our house. Every bedtime we have to touch the bottom ‘bubble’ before they go to sleep. They’re 3 and getting heavy and my back hates me for this, but they love it and I know it’s something my parents would never do.” While it’s great to create special bedtime rituals for your children, sometimes it’s best to find ones that don’t involve physical strain on your part.

Co-Sleeping with Your Baby

Image Credit: oksanashufrych via Canva.com.

Another mom admits, “Taking my LO in bed with me at night when I’m too lazy to get up to put her back after nursing… And then waking up later with a numb and frozen arm haha. But it’s so cozy!” While co-sleeping may be cozy, it can also be dangerous and lead to sleep disturbances for both you and your baby.

Keeping Your Kids Happy with Special Lights

mother reading bedtime
Image Credit: Yuganov Konstantin via Canva.com.

As we’ve already seen, parents often go to great lengths to keep their kids happy, and this includes creating special lighting situations. As one parent says, “I put these battery-operated lights that look like bubbles around my twins ‘chandelier’ style light that came with our house. Every bedtime we have to touch the bottom ‘bubble’ before they go to sleep. They’re 3 and getting heavy and my back hates me for this, but they love it and I know it’s something my parents would never do.” While it’s great to find creative ways to make your kids happy, it’s important to find ones that don’t cause you physical pain or discomfort.

This article has been inspired by Reddit and does not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of Arnie Nicola

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