“He Picks His Nose And Wipes It On His Shirt” Woman Doesn’t Know What To Do With Her Slob Boyfriend

One woman wonders if she is asking too much of her boyfriend who she describes as a ‘slob’.
Three Year Relationship

The woman who we’ll call Jill said, “I have been with my boyfriend for three years now. We’ve had our share of fights in the relationship, but the biggest thing that puts me off is his lack of personal hygiene,” saying it’s the one thing that she cannot look past. Here are some examples of him being a slob:
Eating In The Room

“He eats in our room all the time and drops crumbs all over the bed.”
He Leaves Food On The Table

“He doesn’t throw his rubbish. In fact he leaves his unfinished food on the table for disposal the following day.”
Doesn’t Clean His Fingers

“When he snacks, he doesn’t clean his fingers. Then he proceeds to touch my face, the pillows, his phone, everything with his hands.”
Constant Nose Picking

“He’s constantly digging his nose and wiping his finger on his shirt.”
Disregard For Contact Lenses

“He takes out his contact lenses and throws it casually behind the bed or on the floor.”
Doesn’t Wash Hair Regularly

“Just today, I found out that he doesn’t wash his hair after a whole day out with perspiration. He told me he only washes his hair in the morning.”
Unsure Of The Future

Jill is unsure of the future, saying that the more she spends time with him, the more she’s unsure of what to do. To make matters worse, she said, “we’re getting married soon but I can’t see myself being with someone like this for the rest of my life.”
The Way He Was Raised

Others offered advice. One person said, “Some people are just raised to be nasty, my brother-in-law (sisters husband) had TERRIBLE hygiene for the first 4 years they were together, not because he didn’t love and respect my sister but because he was raised to think the suds running down from washing his hair everyday counted as washing his body, that he only needed to brush his teeth once a day and that deodorant wasn’t necessary.”
Should Have Discussed The Issue

Another said, “You guys shouldn’t be three years into a relationship and planning marriage without having addressed this,” to which Jill responded saying she has brought it a few times but her partner has been stubborn in the past.
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Source: Reddit