Dissapointingly Uncool – Millennials Share Shocking Moments That Made Them Realize They’re Outdated

As we age, it’s inevitable that we’ll start to feel out of touch with the latest trends and fads. For millennials, this realization can be particularly jarring, as we’ve grown up with technology and social media that constantly reminds us of what’s “cool.” In this listicle, we’ll explore some of the moments when millennials realized they’re no longer cool.

For many millennials, the rise of TikTok was a wake-up call that they’re no longer in touch with the latest trends. Watching TikTok videos can be confusing and uninteresting for those who don’t use the app regularly.
Pop Culture References

Making a reference to a TV show or celebrity that’s no longer relevant can be a surefire way to feel out of touch. One person shared, “I made a Seinfeld reference at work, and my coworker just stared at me confused. I explained, and she said — oh, my dad likes that show…”

Another said that they realized they were no longer cool after realizing they don’t recognize any of the celebrities in commercials.
Music Tastes

As we age, our music tastes can become stuck in the past. One person shared, “When I couldn’t listen to the top 40 station anymore and found my music tastes stuck in the 2000s at the latest.”

YouTube has become a platform for many young people to showcase their talents and personalities. When we don’t know who the latest YouTubers are, it can be a sign that we’re no longer cool.
“Someone asked who my favorite YouTuber was and I realized I don’t use YouTube like that…”
Fanny Packs

“When I saw teenagers wearing Fanny packs I realized I was completely out of the loop on what’s cool.” What’s worse is that the young adults who wear them nowadays refuse to call them fanny packs.
Slang Terms

Slang terms can also be a sign that we’re no longer cool. When we don’t understand the latest slang terms, it can be a sign that we’re out of touch with the latest trends.
“When people started saying “cap”. That’s when I knew.”

Having children can be a reminder that we’re no longer cool. When our children start to have interests that we don’t understand or relate to, it can be a sign that we’re out of touch with what’s cool.
Fashion Trends

“Just within the last couple of years when I started seeing things online about how side parts are for old people and you’re only cool if you part your hair in the middle. Absolutely heartbreaking and I’ve never felt less cool than I did in that moment reading that article, it was a real slap in the face. Then the skinny jeans came under attack, and suddenly everyone was dressing how I dressed when I was 11 years old, wearing bell bottom jeans and butterfly clips. My heartbreak then turned more into anger. How is it that we are old and not cool, but the entirety of fashion right now is based on our childhood styles?!”
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Source: Reddit