8 Professions That Attract the Rudest People

While we like to think that people in certain professions are kind and helpful, the reality is that some jobs just seem to attract the rudest people. From fashion to sales, these professions can bring out the worst in people. Here are 8 professions that attract the rudest people.

“Fashion is full of horrendous people.”

“I’m a sailor and there’s a very specific type of guy who gets stuck at mate and can’t get a captaincy because nobody respects HIM personally. So he takes it out on us deckhands who respect his rank but not him.”

“Sales. Any kind of sales. I watched one of my friends transform from a fairly likeable dude into a monster, and then back to a fairly likeable dude as he transitioned both into and out of a sales role over several years. It was wild.”
Hollywood Film Industry

“The Hollywood film industry treats anyone who isn’t a star really badly. I was a background extra for a few films, and I was treated by producers as less than a pile of dog crap under their shoes.”
Corrections Officers

“Corrections officers.”
Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) Employees

“Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) employees. It’s a long standing trope that the DMV is the worst place on Earth… and for good reason.”

“Marketing has a lot of jerks who think they’re geniuses, but really they’re just making ads for diapers.”

“Surgeons. My father-in-law is a retired surgeon and cannot deal with the fact that he can’t boss everyone around all the time anymore. He never learned another way to relate to people besides barking orders.”
9 Popular Things Some People Secretly Hate

We all have different tastes and preferences, and what some people enjoy, others may secretly hate. From reality TV shows to the concept of living to a really old age, here are 9 popular things some people secretly hate.
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Source: Reddit