19 Cooks Share Which Homemade Items They Insist on Making from Scratch Everytime

In today’s fast-paced world, convenience often dictates our choices in the kitchen. However, many are rediscovering the joy and benefits of making certain staples from scratch. Making food from scratch not only enhances the flavor and quality of the food but also provides greater control over ingredients, allowing for healthier and more customized meals. In a recent Reddit discussion, people share things they would rather make from scratch than buy from a grocery store. 

Shredded Cheese 

Healthy Parmesan Cheese
Photo credit: eskymaks via Deposit Photos.

“I used to get shredded cheese in a bag. For the tiny amount of effort it takes to shred cheese, the benefits are huge.”

Shredding cheese at home is simple and offers significant benefits over buying pre-shredded cheese. Pre-shredded cheese often contains anti-caking agents and preservatives that can prevent it from properly melting. By shredding your own cheese, you get a fresher product with better meltability, making it ideal for dishes like pizza, casseroles, and grilled cheese sandwiches. The process is quick and can be done with a basic box grater or a food processor. Plus, buying blocks of cheese is often more economical than purchasing pre-shredded cheese, so you can enjoy higher quality cheese for less money.

Simple Syrup 

Young couple cooking
Photo credit: Deposit Photos.

“Simple syrup for drink recipes. It’s literally equal parts sugar and water boiled until the sugar dissolves. The grocery store sells a bottle for almost $4, but I can make 10 bottles worth with a $4 bag of sugar.

Making simple syrup at home is incredibly easy and cost-effective, you just need time and patience to do it. Simple syrup is a staple in many drink recipes, from cocktails to iced coffee. Store-bought simple syrup can be expensive, but making it at home allows you to control the sweetness and even experiment with flavors by adding herbs, spices, or citrus peels. This homemade touch can elevate your drinks and save you money.


Surprised cheerful couple looking at salad in glass bowl
Photo credit: VitalikRadko via Deposit Photos.

Homemade croutons are a game-changer for salads and soups. They are easy to make and taste far superior to store-bought versions. Simply cut stale bread into cubes, toss with olive oil, garlic, and your favorite herbs, then bake until crispy. The result is a crunchy, flavorful crouton that can be customized to your taste preferences. Homemade croutons are also free from preservatives and artificial flavors often found in commercial products, making them a healthier choice.

Marinara Sauce

Portrait of beautiful young smiling woman harvesting fresh tomatoes from the garden
Photo credit: Deposit Photos.

Making marinara sauce from scratch is a rewarding process that results in a sauce far superior to anything you can buy in a jar. Using simple ingredients including canned tomatoes, tomato paste, garlic, onion, basil, olive oil, salt, and pepper, you can create a rich, flavorful sauce that serves as the foundation for countless Italian dishes. Just combine the ingredients and simmer and you will eventually have a homemade marinara sauce for your Italian dishes. Homemade marinara is free from added sugars and preservatives, making it a healthier and more delicious option.

Chocolate Chip Cookies and Pound Cake 

Cute happy children in chef hats preparing dough for cookies
Photo credit: AndrewLozovyi via Deposit Photos.

Baking chocolate chip cookies  from scratch always yields better results than buying pre-made or store-bought versions. Homemade cookies have a freshness and texture that packaged cookies can’t match. You can control the ingredients, ensuring there are no artificial additives or preservatives. Baking from scratch also allows for customization, such as adding nuts, dried fruit, or different types of chocolate to your cookies, and you also get a sense of accomplishment when you take out that fresh batch of cookies from the oven. 


woman in apron cooking delicious whoopie pie
Photo credit: VadimVasenin via Deposit Photos

“I always make my frosting from scratch. I literally make a box cake and homemade frosting and people think I made the whole thing from scratch.” Homemade frosting can elevate even a simple box cake to something special. Homemade frosting is typically made with simple ingredients like butter, powdered sugar, and vanilla extract, ingredients you probably already have at home. Adding this homemade touch can make your cakes and cupcakes taste better, and no one will know that you used box cake for the actual cake. 


Hot Brown Organic Turkey Gravy
Photo credit: Deposit Photos.

Making gravy from scratch, especially for dishes like chicken fried steak, is a must for capturing all the rich, savory goodness that comes from the cooking process. Homemade gravy uses the drippings and browned bits left in the pan after cooking the meat to create a flavorful base. Flour or cornstarch is then added to thicken the mixture, resulting in a rich, hearty gravy that perfectly complements your dish. Store-bought gravies often lack the depth of flavor and can contain unnecessary additives. By making gravy from scratch, you can control the seasoning and consistency, ensuring it’s just right for your meal.

Teriyaki Sauce 

Teriyaki traditional Japanese sauce
Photo credit: Deposit Photos.

Homemade teriyaki sauce is incredibly easy to make. The basic ingredients include soy sauce, sugar, garlic, ginger and cornstarch, which are simmered together to create a sweet and savory sauce. Homemade teriyaki sauce is free from the preservatives often found in store-bought versions, making it a healthier choice. This versatile sauce can be used for marinating meats, stir-frying vegetables, or as a dipping sauce. 

Salad Dressing 

Image Credit: Stockoholic via Depositphotos.com.

Making salad dressing from scratch allows you to create fresh, flavorful dressings tailored to your taste. Basic vinaigrettes can be made with olive oil, vinegar, mustard, and seasonings, while creamy dressings might include ingredients like yogurt, mayonnaise, or buttermilk. Homemade dressings are free from the preservatives and artificial flavors found in many commercial versions and can be made in small batches to ensure freshness. Experimenting with different oils, vinegars, and add-ins like herbs, garlic, and citrus can lead to endless variations. 


Healthy Homemade Creamy Hummus
Photo credit: Deposit Photos.

Homemade hummus is easy to make and allows for endless customization. The basic recipe includes chickpeas, tahini, lemon juice, garlic, and olive oil, blended until smooth. Making hummus at home ensures that it is fresher and more flavorful than store-bought versions, and you can experiment with various add-ins to suit your taste, such as roasted red peppers, sun-dried tomatoes, olives, or spices like cumin and paprika. Homemade hummus is also more economical, as the primary ingredients are inexpensive and readily available. This versatile dip can be used as a spread for sandwiches, a topping for salads, or a healthy snack with vegetables and pita bread. 

Whipped Cream 

mother and daughter baking
Photo credit: Deposit Photos.

Whipped cream made from scratch is a game-changer for those who have ventured to try making it at home. It’s made with just three ingredients: heavy cream, sugar, and vanilla extract. The process is simple and quick, especially with a stand mixer and yields is a fresher, lighter, and more flavorful topping that can elevate desserts such as pies, cakes, and hot chocolate. Once you’ve experienced the taste and texture of homemade whipped cream, it’s hard to go back to the canned version.

Alfredo Sauce 

Linguin with Basil Pesto Alfredo Sauce
Photo credit: Deposit Photos.

Homemade Alfredo sauce is another favorite among home cooks who prefer to make things from scratch. This creamy, rich sauce is easy and is traditionally made with butter, heavy cream, and Parmesan cheese. You melt the butter, add the cream, and then stir in the cheese until it melts and creates a smooth, luxurious sauce. Freshly made Alfredo sauce can be used to create a classic Fettuccine Alfredo or as a base for other pasta dishes. 


Family watching movie
Photo credit: TarasMalyarevich via Deposit Photos.

Making popcorn from scratch is a simple yet rewarding process that many cooks prefer over microwave or pre-popped versions. By using a stovetop method or an air popper, you can control the quality of the ingredients and avoid the artificial flavors and excessive salt found in many store-bought options. Homemade popcorn allows you to experiment with different seasonings, from classic butter and salt to more adventurous flavors like garlic powder, or even truffle oil. It’s a healthier, more customizable snack that’s perfect for movie nights or casual gatherings. 

Chicken Stock 

Young man cooking
Photo credit: AlexLipa via Deposit Photos.

Homemade chicken stock is a staple in many kitchens due to its rich flavor and versatility. Unlike store-bought broths, which can be high in sodium and preservatives, homemade stock is made by simmering chicken bones with vegetables, herbs, and water. This process extracts the collagen and nutrients from the bones, resulting in a deeply flavorful and nutritious stock. It can be used as a base for soups, stews, and sauces, and making chicken stock from scratch also allows you to use leftover bones and vegetable scraps, reducing food waste.


man cutting cherry tomatoes on chopping board
Photo credit: AndrewLozovyi via Deposit Photos

Fresh salsa made from scratch is a vibrant and flavorful alternative to jarred versions. The basic ingredients include tomatoes, onions, cilantro, jalapeños, lime juice, and salt. By making salsa at home, you can adjust the heat level and seasoning to your taste, and ensure that only fresh, high-quality ingredients are used. The result is a bright, zesty condiment that pairs perfectly with chips, tacos, grilled meats, and more.


Three little girls cooking in the kitchen
Photo credit: Deposit Photos.

Homemade tortillas, whether flour or corn, are far superior to most store-bought versions. Freshly made tortillas have a soft, pliable texture and a rich, authentic flavor that enhances any dish they accompany. While a tortilla press can be helpful for making corn tortillas, you can make flour tortillas by hand with just a rolling pin. The process involves mixing flour or masa harina with water, salt, and a fat such as lard or vegetable oil, then rolling or pressing the dough into thin rounds and cooking them on a hot griddle. The result is a warm, fresh tortilla that can elevate tacos, burritos, quesadillas, and more. 


Male seller putting fresh bread in paper bag
Photo credit: IgorVetushko via Deposit Photos.

There’s nothing quite like the aroma and taste of freshly baked bread. Whether you’re making a simple no-knead bread, a classic sourdough, or a hearty whole grain loaf, the process of mixing, kneading, and baking bread is both therapeutic and rewarding. Homemade bread is free from the preservatives and additives found in many commercial breads, and you can be sure of the ingredients that you are using.


Delicious pumpkin soup in bowls and spoons on wooden table
Photo credit: AntonMatyukha via Deposit Photos

Soups made from scratch are infinitely better than canned versions. By using fresh ingredients and homemade stocks, you can create soups with rich, complex flavors and textures. Whether you’re making a classic chicken noodle soup, a hearty vegetable stew, or a creamy bisque, homemade soups are free from the excessive sodium and preservatives found in many canned versions, making them a healthier choice. Additionally, making soup from scratch allows you to customize the ingredients to suit your taste and dietary preferences, whether you prefer a chunky vegetable soup or a smooth, blended bisque.


Dad and son cooking burgers
Photo credit: AlexLipa via Deposit Photos.

Homemade mayonnaise is a revelation for many cooks. The process involves emulsifying egg yolks, mustard, and lemon juice or vinegar with oil to create a creamy, rich condiment. Unlike store-bought mayonnaise, which often contains preservatives and artificial flavors, homemade mayo is fresh and can be made with various herbs, spices, or even roasted garlic for added flavor. Making mayonnaise from scratch also allows you to control the quality of the ingredients, ensuring a healthier and tastier product.

13 Fermented Foods To Add To Your Diet Today For Better Gut Health 

Smiling young woman drinking milk, standing in the kitchen
Photo credit: Deposit Photos.

Fermented foods have been a staple in culinary traditions around the world for centuries, celebrated not only for their unique flavors and preservation benefits but also for their health-promoting properties. The art of fermentation, a process that involves the breakdown of food components by bacteria, yeasts, or other microorganisms, enriches foods with probiotics, enzymes, vitamins, and minerals. Want to reap the benefits of fermented food? Here are 13 healthy fermented foods you can add to your diet today.

13 Fermented Foods To Add To Your Diet Today For Better Gut Health

Ditch the Junk: 17 Super Easy Real Food Swaps To Replace Ultra-Processed Foods 

Oatmeal with apples, raisins, cinnamon and ingredients
Photo credit: cook_inspire via Deposit Photos.

In today’s fast-paced world, ultra-processed foods have become a staple in many diets, offering convenience at the expense of nutritional quality. These foods are often high in added sugars, unhealthy fats, and artificial ingredients while lacking essential nutrients. However, with a bit of creativity and some simple swaps, it’s possible to enjoy delicious and nutritious alternatives that are closer to their natural state. Here are 17 simple and satisfying real food substitutes for some of the most common ultra-processed foods.

Ditch the Junk: 17 Super Easy Real Food Swaps To Replace Ultra-Processed Foods

Source: Reddit

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