16 Of The Most Ridiculous Things Couples Have Battled Over in Divorce Court

Divorces are often fraught with intense emotions and complex negotiations over assets, custody, and finances. However, amidst these serious matters, some disputes stand out for their sheer pettiness. Here are sixteen of the pettiest things people have seen someone fight over in a divorce, showcasing how even the most mundane objects can become the center of heated legal battles.
The Lamp

One of the most absurd disputes involved a completely ordinary lamp. It wasn’t valuable, sentimental, or unique in any way, yet it became the centerpiece of a bitter legal battle. One party wanted the lamp, and the other refused to let it go, leading to a prolonged and expensive litigation process. By the time the dust settled, both parties had spent $6,000 on legal fees, all over a lamp that had no special significance to either of them.
The Strawberry Picture

Another petty fight revolved around a $40 picture of strawberries. The ex-wife wanted it because she liked it, while the ex-husband insisted on keeping it because he didn’t want his ex to get “another thing out of the house.” The respondent said, “their son offered to buy the dad the same picture to let it go but it had to be that one on principle.” Both lawyers profited from this ridiculous dispute, which exemplifies how emotions can drive irrational behavior during a divorce.
Swim Goggles

In one case, an ex-husband contested the necessity of $3 swim goggles for their daughter’s swim team. Despite an agreement to split costs for school supplies and extracurricular activities, he argued that goggles were not essential. The judge, annoyed at the pettiness, dismissed the case, noting that since the wife had relocated to California, the judge there can handle the dispute.
Washing Machine Repair Fee

A $25 service fee for a washing machine repair became a major point of contention in one divorce. The husband, who had contributed little to household expenses, demanded reimbursement for the fee, claiming financial abuse. Despite having an old email as proof that he agreed to paying this cost because he used the washer too, he refused to settle outside of court. In the end, the judge was annoyed at the pettiness and ordered him to pay the fee as well as his wife’s legal costs.
Half-Used Shampoo Bottles

One of the most trivial disputes involved a client who wanted to retrieve half-used shampoo bottles left behind after being kicked out of the house. She insisted on getting half of each remaining bottle, “the shampoo in the shower,” she said. “There’s two or three bottles in there with about half left each. I want half of each remaining half.” Her lawyer pointed out that she had already spent $50 just to send the email requesting this, and offered to waive this fee if she simply went to the store and buy a new bottle of shampoo.
Loss of Consortium Claim

A particularly petty case involved a woman attempting to claim loss of consortium for her mother. The woman, who had signed a prenup and was caught cheating, wasn’t entitled to anything upon divorce. In a desperate attempt to obtain money, she claimed her mother suffered because she depended on the husband’s financial support. “Basically the wife’s side of the family was leeching off the husband and he finally woke up once she was caught cheating. It was petty and sad.”
The Vacuum Cleaners

A breakup from a long-term relationship saw a fight over two vacuum cleaners—one expensive and one cheap. The man didn’t care which one he got, but insisted on taking one as part of their 50/50 split. The woman, however, wanted to keep both. After weeks of arguing, she kept the cheaper one, which later broke. She then demanded money to replace it, but the man offered her the expensive one instead.
The Roomba

In one case, a cousin’s ex-husband is fighting over their Roomba. Interestingly, he shows little interest in visiting their 11-month-old son but is adamant about keeping the robotic vacuum cleaner.
Settlers of Catan Scorecard

One of the strangest disputes involved a couple fighting over a Settlers of Catan scorecard. This card, used to keep track of wins and losses, became the subject of hours of heated argument. The conflict escalated to the point where a “spoliation” letter had to be sent, warning against the destruction of the scorecard. Eventually, the dispute was resolved by giving one partner the family copy of the game and a framed copy of the scorecard, while the other got a new copy of the game but retained the original scorecard.
Beanie Baby Collection

One of the most notorious examples of pettiness in divorce involved a couple fighting over their Beanie Baby collection. These small, stuffed animals, which were highly collectible in the 1990s, became a major point of contention. The couple spent hours meticulously dividing the collection, indicating how emotional attachment to seemingly insignificant items can lead to prolonged and bitter disputes.
Who Gets the Goldfish

One of the pettiest disputes in a divorce involved a couple fighting over who would get to keep the family goldfish. Despite the relatively low value and simplicity of caring for a goldfish, the couple engaged in a prolonged argument over its custody.
Frequent Flyer Points

In another case, a couple argued intensely over who would get to keep their accumulated frequent flyer points. Both parties felt entitled to the points, which had been amassed during their marriage. This case underscores how even intangible assets, like frequent flyer points, can become highly valued and contentious in a divorce.
Extra Shower Curtains

A particularly petty dispute involved a man who insisted that his ex-wife had not listed all the extra shower curtains in their property division. He argued that he was entitled to half of them and was willing to fight over this point. His lawyer had to remind him of the legal fees he was incurring over such a trivial matter. In a bid to resolve the issue, the lawyer even offered to buy him a new shower curtain.

One of the more unusual disputes involved a couple fighting over doorknobs. They were unable to agree on who should get the doorknobs from their shared home. The situation became so absurd that their lawyer offered to buy them both new doorknobs if they would just settle the matter. However, the couple refused, insisting on resolving the issue through legal means.

In another case, a couple who were both hunters fought over mounted antlers. The antlers, displayed on the wall in their den, became a significant point of contention as they could not agree on who had hunted which deer.
Old, Stained Tupperware

One of the most bizarre disputes involved a couple fighting over old, stained Tupperware. Despite the Tupperware being worn and of little monetary value, the couple locked horns over its ownership. They were in agreement on all other aspects of their divorce but could not reach a consensus on this particular item. The lawyer handling the case found the situation so frustrating and petty that she eventually quit.
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