Challenging The Status Quo: Why Alpha Females Intimidate Others

Alpha females exude confidence, ambition and leadership. While these traits help them succeed in their careers, they can also rub others the wrong way:
They Challenge the Status Quo

Alphas push boundaries and question traditions. This disrupts conformity and unsettles those wedded to the existing power structures.
They’re Fiercely Independent

Not relying on romance or approval from others can be off-putting to codependent personalities accustomed to social validation.
They Speak Their Minds

Alphas are outspoken and candid. This frankness threatens people used to superficial niceties or afraid of confrontation.
They’re Naturally Assertive

Taking charge and voicing wants/needs assaults the egos of those clinging to fragile senses of masculinity and control.
Success Makes Them Targets

Jealous coworkers or competitors will try to undermine high-achieving women rather than admit their talents threaten the status quo.
Strength Intimidates Weakness

Those lacking inner confidence themselves feel uneased by displays of poise, grit or self-assured leadership from formidable females.
Change Threatens Routines

Conformists uncomfortable with progress worry alpha trailblazers will disrupt habitual ways of thinking and operating.
Unnatural Gender Roles

Most women are naturally soft and nurturing, and being an ‘alpha’ is generally seen as a masculine trait, which is why many may be intimidated by alpha females. However, it’s worth noting that while being an alpha female may provide career success, it may lead to a lonely road ahead.
Some Women Never Appreciated These 11 Things Before They Were Adults

As we grow older, we begin to appreciate the things that we may have taken for granted or never fully appreciated as children. Here are 11 things that women never appreciated before they were adults.
Some Women Never Appreciated These Before They Were Adults
9 Monday Morning Habits to Help You Get Through the Day

Monday mornings can be tough. After a relaxing weekend, it’s hard to get back into the swing of things. But there are some things you can do to make the transition a little easier. Here are nine Monday morning habits that will help you get through the day.
9 Monday Morning Habits to Help You Get Through the Day
10 Trends That Many People Secretly Hate

There are always new trends popping up, but not all of them are well-received. Here are 10 recent trends that many people secretly hate:
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10 Things That People Do That Make Them Look Stupid

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10 Things Millennials Will Be Blamed For in 50 Years

As the first digital-native generation, millennials have been blamed for many societal changes and trends. Here are 10 things that millennials may be blamed for in 50 years.