8 Millennial Trends That Gen Z Vows Never To Copy

As the younger generation, Gen Z often looks to millennials for inspiration and guidance. However, there are certain trends and behaviors that millennials have adopted that Gen Z is unlikely to follow. In this listicle, we explore seven millennial trends that Gen Z will definitely not copy.
Weird Eyebrows

One trend that Gen Z is unlikely to adopt is the trend of overly drawn-on or unnatural-looking eyebrows.
Hipster Food

Another trend that Gen Z is unlikely to follow is the obsession with expensive, deconstructed food. “Hipster food is too damn expensive like why pay 50 bucks for a deconstructed salad when you can go all peter rabbit and nab sum goods from a local garden.”
Impact Font Memes

Impact font memes started with millennials, and will also die with millenials.
“Only 90’s Kids Remember This”

Where did the “Only 90’s Kids Remember This” memes start? Whoever started it, Gen Z doesn’t want to copy it, as they say it’s ‘gatekeeping’ childhood.

While Facebook may have been popular among millennials, Gen Z is unlikely to follow suit. “NONE of that age group use Facebook. It’s an ‘old person’s thing’ to them.”
Relationship with Gen X

Unlike millennials’ sometimes contentious relationship with baby boomers, Gen Z vows not to have the same issues with Gen X. “That bad relationship millennials have with boomers, we will never have that problem with Gen X.” Let’s wait and see how this one plays out.
Cancel Culture

While cancel culture has become increasingly prevalent in recent years, Gen Z may not be as quick to adopt it as millennials. “Whatever happens, I just hope cancel culture gets cancelled. Too many people are getting accused of stuff they never did for internet points.”
Childhood Gatekeeping

Finally, Gen Z is unlikely to gatekeep childhood in the same way that millennials have. “As a Gen Zer I hope we will not gatekeep childhood like millennials do.”
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Source: Reddit