Beat The Heat Without Breaking the Bank – 19 Genius Money-Saving Hacks For The Summer

As the temperatures rise and the days grow longer, summer brings with it the promise of relaxation, adventure, and fun. However, expenses can also add up if you’re not vigilant in tracking it. To help maintain your financial health without missing out on summer, here are 19 hacks that you can easily implement this season.

Programmable Thermostat

Shot of a young family bonding together on a sofa at home
Photo credit: Deposit Photos.

Cooling your home during the summer months can lead to significant energy bills. A programmable thermostat can help manage these costs by allowing you to set specific temperatures for different times of the day. For instance, you can program the thermostat to increase the temperature when you’re not home and to cool down the house before you return. This prevents the air conditioning from running unnecessarily when the house is empty. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, you can save as much as 10% a year on heating and cooling by simply turning your thermostat back 7°-10°F for 8 hours a day from its normal setting.

Host Potluck BBQs Instead of Dining Out

Family with children grilling sausage
Photo credit: Deposit Photos.

Socializing during the summer doesn’t have to be expensive. Host a potluck BBQ for a budget-friendly alternative that can save you a from expensive restaurant bills. Ask guests to bring a dish, and you can spread out the cost of food and enjoy a variety of homemade meals. Another plus is that any leftovers can be split amongst the attendees so you still have food to eat for the following days.

Grow Your Own Herbs & Vegetables

Attractive farmer squatting and holding tablet in apple garden at farm
Photo credit: VitalikRadko via Deposit Photos.

Starting a small garden with herbs and vegetables can be a rewarding and economical hobby for the summer. Seeds are relatively inexpensive, and with some time and care, you can grow fresh produce right in your backyard or balcony. This can save money on grocery bills while also giving you access to organic and nutritious ingredients for your summer meals. Gardening can also be a relaxing and educational activity for the whole family.

Take Advantage of Free Events

Couple sitting in camp-chairs in city park looking movie outdoors at open air cinema
Photo credit: Deposit Photos.

In many places, communities come alive during the summer months. There are often a number of free events in outdoor public spaces, including concerts in the park, outdoor movies, and festivals. These events are great sources of entertainment for free. Check your local community calendars and social media pages so you can plan your summer around these activities. Enjoying these free events not only supports local artists and organizations but also allows you to engage with your community and meet new people, all while keeping your entertainment budget in check. The savings compared to paid events like concerts, theaters, or amusement parks can be significant, especially for families looking for regular activities to keep everyone entertained.

Carpool for Road Trips

Handsome man driving car with his happy girlfriend
Photo credit: Deposit Photos.

With the rise in gas prices, carpooling has become a great way to save money on road trips. Sharing a ride with friends or family can cut fuel costs dramatically, and is not only economical, but also environmentally friendly, as it reduces the number of vehicles on the road, leading to lower emissions. Carpooling can also make the trip more enjoyable: traveling with great company can turn a long drive into a fun road trip experience, one that you will be talking about for many years to come.

Plan Staycations Instead of Expensive Vacations

Happy family with child girl laugh lying on bed in the morning
Photo credit: Deposit Photos.

As many are hyperaware during this economic times, vacations have become quite costly, especially ones that require airfare, hotels and dining out. Instead of splurging on a tropical vacation, why not have a staycation instead? Be a tourist in your on city or state, and discover hidden gems and local attractions without the large expense. You can often find discount days or free admissions to museums, zoos and parks if you are a resident in the area, so you can have a fun new experience without having to spend money. Local hiking trails, beaches, and historic sites are also great places to visit during your staycation. As you plan your staycation, you may find that there are many hidden gems in your area that you’ve never visited before.

Use Public Libraries

Young woman and man students reading books
Photo credit: Deposit Photos.

Beyond borrowing books, many libraries offer movie rentals, e-books, audiobooks, and access to streaming services. Libraries may also have free workshops, reading clubs, and children’s story hours that can provide both entertainment and educational value for the whole family. Taking advantage of these programs can save you money on purchasing books and subscriptions to streaming services. Additionally, libraries are often air-conditioned, providing a cool escape from the summer heat. By utilizing the diverse resources available at your local library, you can enrich your summer without spending extra money on entertainment and education.

Cancel or Pause Subscription Services

Beautiful business woman working with her phone and laptop
Photo credit: Deposit Photos.

As the weather warms up and days get longer, you might find yourself spending less time indoors. This could be the perfect opportunity to review your subscription services and decide which ones you can do without over the summer. Evaluate whether you should temporarily suspend your subscriptions to streaming services, premium cable channels, or gym memberships as you spend more time outdoors. Just make sure that you review the subscription service carefully so that you can avoid paying early cancellation fees on subscriptions. To be sure, call customer service to see if they allow pausing subscriptions and resuming it once the weather gets colder.

Dry Clothes Outside on a Line

Side view of girl sitting on armchair and looking at shirt in hand thinking to declutter clothes
Photo credit: NastyaBerezen via Deposit Photos.

Using a clothesline to dry your laundry instead of a tumble dryer can lead to noticeable savings on your electricity bill. The summer sun not only dries your clothes for free but can also help to bleach and disinfect fabrics naturally. Air-drying preserves the quality of your clothes by reducing wear and tear from the dryer, thus extending the life of your garments. This eco-friendly practice cuts down on energy consumption, which is beneficial for both your wallet and the environment. Just be sure to check your local weather forecast to avoid any unexpected summer showers.

Make Your Own Cold Drinks at Home

Multiethnic girls talking to each other and drinking juice
Photo credit: Deposit Photos.

Instead of spending money at coffee shops for your daily iced coffee or cold beverage, consider making these drinks at home. You can create refreshing iced coffees, teas, and other beverages for a fraction of the cost at home. Homemade drinks allow you to customize the ingredients to your liking, and you can make them in bulk to save time. Invest in a good quality insulated tumbler or thermos to keep your drinks cold for hours when you take them with you on the go. Not only does this save money, but it also reduces the use of single-use plastics often associated with takeaway beverages. There are plenty of recipes and tutorials available online to help you become your own barista, and the initial cost of any needed supplies or ingredients is quickly offset by the savings from not purchasing expensive coffee shop drinks.

Shop at Farmers’ Markets

Couple at food market
Photo credit: Deposit Photos.

Farmers’ markets are a great source of fresh, seasonal produce often at lower prices than grocery stores. By buying directly from local farmers, you can save money and also support the local economy. The produce from farmers’ markets are usually more fresh and nutrient-dense. Shopping at farmers’ markets also allows you to build a relationship with farmers, who might offer discounts or let you know about upcoming deals.

Enjoy Natural Ventilation

Little kid standing on porch of country house alone on summer day
Photo credit: IuliiaVerstaBO via Deposit Photos.

On cooler summer days or nights, take advantage of natural ventilation by opening windows and creating a cross-breeze to cool your home instead of using air conditioning. Using natural ventilation is one of the most energy-efficient ways to cool your home, and requires no upfront cost. When using natural ventilation, just make sure to close windows and curtains during the hottest part of the day to keep the heat out, and open them when it gets cooles to let the fresh air in. This simple practice can help maintain a comfortable indoor temperature without the high cost of running an AC unit.

Use the 60/30/10 Method

Portrait of happy couple counting money together at home
Photo credit: Deposit Photos.

Jason Higgs, the Senior Deals Strategist at Bountii suggests using the 60/30/10 method to keep your budget in check. Simply put, this method means putting 60% of your income towards essentials such as housing, utilities and groceries, 30% of your income goes to entertainment or dining, while 10% goes to savings and debt repayment.

Higgs says that following this method can lead to financial stability, reduced stress and achieving long-term financial goals. “When you have a clear plan for your money, you can worry less about unexpected expenses or overspending. This can lead to improved mental health and overall well-being,” Higgs says.

To easily implement this method, make sure you track your expenses, prioritize your needs over your wants, and adjust your spending habits as needed. “As your financial situation or priorities change, be willing to adjust your spending habits accordingly. Regularly review your budget and make necessary tweaks to ensure it remains effective and relevant,” Higgs adds.

Reduce Water Consumption

Woman in shower washing hair with shampoo
Photo credit: Deposit Photos.

Conserving water is not only good for the environment, but it can also lead to significant savings on your water bill. Taking shorter showers is one of the easiest ways to cut down on water usage, but watering your garden strategically can also save you money on your water bill. Watering your garden during the early morning or late evening hours can minimize evaporation, meaning less water will be required to keep your plants hydrated.

Use a Water Filter Pitcher

Close-up portrait of pregnant woman with glass of water
Photo credit: AndrewLozovy via Deposit Photos.

Invest in a water filter pitcher to save money and reduce plastic waste associated with bottled water. With a good quality filter, tap water can taste just as good or even better than bottled water. Many water filter pitchers remove contaminants and improve water quality, which can contribute to better health. The upfront cost of a water filter pitcher is quickly offset by the savings from not purchasing single-use bottled water, and it is a more sustainable option for staying hydrated during the hot summer months.

Take Advantage of Early-Bird Specials

Asian woman using mobile phone with credit card and laptop computer
Photo credit: Deposit Photos.

Many summer camps offer early-bird discounts to families who register in advance. Plan your summer early and take advantage of these deals to save a considerable amount of money on activities that would otherwise be full price later in the season. These discounts can be particularly economical for parents of multiples who want to enroll their children in summer activities throughout the summer. Keep an eye out for promotional emails, social media announcements, or flyers from local community centers that might be offering these specials.

Exercise Outdoors

Distant view of asian female jogger running with dog on beach
Photo credit: AllaSerebrina via Deposit Photos.

Summer provides the perfect opportunity to take your workout routine outdoors, allowing you to cancel or freeze your gym membership during these months. Activities like running, cycling, swimming, hiking, or even practicing yoga in a local park are all excellent ways to stay fit without paying for a gym. Many cities also offer public outdoor fitness equipment or courts for basketball, tennis, and other sports that are free to use. Save money exercising outdoors while breathing in fresh air and getting your daily dose of vitamin D from the sun.

Prepare Meals in Bulk

Parents and their kids preparing food in the kitchen
Photo credit: Deposit Photos.

Preparing large quantities of meals and freezing them can be a huge budget and time saver. Buying ingredients in bulk is often cheaper, and cooking in large batches means you’re saving on energy costs compared to cooking individual meals. You can spend a day cooking a variety of dishes and then freeze them for easy meals throughout the week or month. This also reduces the temptation to eat out or order takeout. Freezer meals can be especially convenient for busy summer days when you’d rather spend time outdoors than in the kitchen.

Use Apps and Websites to Find Discounts

Couple with Laptop and Credit Card buying online
Photo credit: Deposit Photos.

There are numerous apps and websites dedicated to finding the best deals and discounts for all sorts of products, including summer essentials like sunscreen, swimwear, and outdoor gear. Apps like Honey or Rakuten automatically apply coupon codes at checkout when shopping online, while websites like RetailMeNot or Groupon offer a wide range of discount codes and special offers. Before making any purchases for summer essentials, take a few minutes to search for discounts or cashback offers that could reduce the cost.

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Young bride wearing beautiful engagement diamond ring
Photo credit: Deposit Photos.

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Photo credit: AndrewLozovyi via Deposit Photos.

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