“I Can Pay For His College, But I Wont” Man Neglects His Son For His Favorite Daughter

Father questions if he's wrong for son's lesser life compared to twin sister. Claims son made different choices with same opportunities.

The Father’s Investment Plan

Jason and his ex-wife let their children choose between allowances or investments. His son made a risky choice and lost everything, while his daughter succeeded with her investments.

The Daughter’s Minimalistic Lifestyle

Jason's daughter is minimalistic. Only spends when she really likes something. She's not into fashion, uses light makeup, drives a used car.

The Son’s Extravagant Lifestyle

Jason’s son spends all his money as soon as he gets it. He constantly buys new clothes, has recently purchased a pricey car, and loves going out.

The College Fund

The kids got their college acceptances! The daughter can choose any due to grades and savings. Jason's son, low on funds, doesn't qualify for loans. His college fund suffices for 4 years at a community college or 2 at a good one.

The Ex-Wife Responds

Jason's ex-wife accuses him of favoring their daughter over their son by refusing to pay for his college, despite his ability to do so. Jason counters that the son had choices and didn't save money.

He Tried To Teach His Son Over The Years

Jason persistently advised his children on saving and investing but eventually gave up on his son, who chose to live at his mom’s house.

Opinions Are Mixed

Jason is accused of favoring his daughter financially. Some agree, others argue his son should make better decisions. One commenter says Jason's aid is sufficient.

Father Is At Fault

Some argue Jason should help his son, regardless of past decisions. Others suggest Jason should fully cover college for both kids, implying his daughter's savings could help her future. Jason can afford it.

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