9 Baby Nursery Essentials You Need To Have For Baby’s Arrival

Preparing the nursery for your soon-to-be-born baby, even if you plan to co-sleep or use a bassinet initially, is a great idea. Let's discuss the essential baby nursery items you need!

Baby mattress

Whether you choose a crib or floor bed, a baby mattress is vital. I recommend our 2-in-1 mattress from Walmart that includes a waterproof cover and has sides for newborns and toddlers.

Baby monitor

A must-have, especially for larger homes! The Cubo AI baby monitor ticks all boxes, suitable even as the baby grows. Related post: 11 Baby Nursery Closet Photos That Will Inspire You

Diaper pail

I love our diaper pail from Diaper Genie. The great thing about it is that you can use it for years to come! Just make sure you get plently of the refills when they go on sale.

Changing table with mobile

Whether second hand or new, ensure your changing table is ready with a mobile on top to entertain baby during changes.

Diaper, wipes and rash cream

Keep these items handy on your changing table so that you can easily reach for them when changing diapers.

Sound machine

A sound machine like the affordable and portable Skip Hop baby sound machine is a great purchase for your bassinet, crib, car seat or stroller.

Baby clothing, swaddles and muslin cloths

These nursery essentials can wait until after your baby shower, as you may receive them as gifts. Don't rush to buy.

Rocking chair

While it's possible to survive without a rocking chair, having one can enhance your baby-caring, particularly during sleep and nursing. Consider a second-hand option!

Nursing pillow

If you are planning to nurse, this is a must! So you and baby can both be comfortable during nursing.

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As parents, providing a secure environment for our children's growth is vital. A strong family unit boosts their sense of security and love. More on this in this resource: 8 Ways A Strong Family Unit Can Help In Your Child’s Development

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