Bored Kids Driving You Nuts? Keep Them Entertained With These Fun and Educational Ideas for All Ages

Entertaining kids during school breaks can be tough. Explore a variety of activities from outdoor adventures to artistic projects for all ages to keep them busy and learning.

Play Classic Games

Playing games is a fantastic way to keep kids engaged. Classics include tic-tac-toe, board games, hangman, card games, charades, hot potato, marbles, jigsaw puzzles, and riddles.

Creative Activities

Drawing, crafting, journaling, bookmark-making, coloring, paper airplane design, finger painting, self-portraits, origami, and sewing/knitting are great kid activities.

Outdoor Fun

Outdoor activities for kids: catching fireflies, bird watching, kite flying, hopscotch, puzzles, and scavenger hunts are all great fun options.

Indoor Entertainment

Indoor activities for kids: building a fort, creating a time capsule, setting up an obstacle course, playing “I Spy”, and crafting a summer bucket list.

Special Projects

Bird feeders, fashion/puppet shows are great kids' projects. Treasure hunts, playing store, journal writing and hide and seek are also fun options.

Reading and Writing

Reading books is a great way to keep kids entertained and improve their reading skills. Writing stories or keeping a journal can also be fun and educational.

Young Learners

For young learners, skits, tea parties, and playing marbles or balloon tennis can be great options. A lemonade stand or activity jar can also provide hours of entertainment.

Unique Ideas

Try a freeze dance party, an activity jar with unique ideas, balloon tennis, hide and seek, or a lemonade stand for a fun, unique experience.

9 Nostalgic Classic Kids’ Toys That Are Banned in the USA Today

The 80s and 90s saw innovative kids' toys, many later banned in the USA for being dangerous. See 9 banned toys here: 9 Nostalgic Classic Kids’ Toys That Are Banned in the USA Today

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