11 Things Society Normalizes But Some Refuse To Do

This listicle explores societal norms that some individuals choose not to follow.

Plastering Your Life on Social Media

Some people choose privacy over sharing every life detail on social media and don't feel the need for constant updates.

Death of Privacy

Amidst increasing technology & social media, privacy is rare. Some choose to prioritize & protect their personal info.

Monetizing Hobbies for Social Media

Many turn hobbies into income via social media. Yet, some prefer their hobbies separate from work, not monetizing every activity.

Food Delivery Services

Despite the popularity of food delivery services, some prefer saving costs and enjoy the experience of collecting their food from the restaurant.

Going to Work While Sick

Some prioritize health, refusing to work while sick to avoid spreading illness or to rest and recover.

Consumer Debt

Some prioritize financial responsibility, avoiding debt and only buying what they can afford. They may save for big purchases or live within their means.

Filming and Photographing Everything for Social Media

Social media makes sharing experiences easy but some enjoy living in the moment without the need to document everything online.


Moderate drinking is normalized, yet some abstain from alcohol for health reasons or not liking its effects.

Subscription Services

Subscription services are popular, but some prefer not to subscribe, either to avoid monthly fees or prefer outright purchases.

Hook-Up Culture

Hook-up culture is normalized, but some prioritize meaningful connections over casual hook-ups, taking time to find compatibility.


Despite Amazon's convenience, some opt out due to ethical concerns about worker's treatment or preference to shop directly.

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