10 Genius Ways To Make Kids Eat Vegetables

Many children seem to hate eating vegetables. How can you make them eat vegetables? This list will give you some tips on how to make your children eat more vegetables.

Roast with Seasoning

One person shared that roasting vegetables make them more palatable: “Roast! Broccoli, asparagus, Brussel sprouts are amazing with olive oil, garlic, salt and pepper.”

Chop them up and add them in lasagna

Another shared that they chop up the vegetables and add them in lasagna. Once cooked, it’s like they were never there at all.

Try preparing them in different ways

One parent ensures their son eats vegetables by preparing them differently. "I make veggies various ways and don't force. I may request a taste test."

Start giving them a variety of vegetables at 6 months old

Start your child on vegetables early to foster a habit. Begin at 6 months with regular servings daily. Related Post: How Often Should You Visit Your Parents So They Can See Their Grandchild?

Tell them it will make them fart more

A non-parent shared their unique advice from daycare work: convince kids broccoli increases farts. Fun for older kids!

Don’t just boil and mash the vegetables

"Don't overcook veggies, make them tasty," shared one user. They suggested asking kids what they don't like about veggies, so you know what to fix.

Involve your child in the process

"Involve children in cooking and growing vegetables," said a user. They will love learning and have a feeling of ownership. Try various methods and dishes. Eat veggies yourself to pique their interest.

Unpopular advice: Don’t give them anything else

A user stated, "Don't cater to picky eaters. Serve the meal planned. They can eat or not."

Wait until they are very hungry

"Wait to feed your child until they're very hungry. Serve courses, veggies first then their favorite dish."

Blend them in other foods

A mom suggests blending veggies into sauces, chilis, meatballs, soups, meatloaf, and chowders to make kids eat them. She uses a variety of vegetables and meats. Share your tricks in this Reddit thread.

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