The Internet Is A Terrifying Place’ Woman Distraught After Finding Daughter’s Photo On Social Media
A woman became angry after seeing a photo of her10-month-old daughter out of social media after she explicitly said she did not want her daugther’s photos online.
Husband And Wife Agree Not To Put Their Children On Social Media
The original poster (OP) had a conversation with her husband about their stance on social media and kids before their daughter was born. They both agreed that they do not want any information about their children online, especially since she has a sizeable following on social media. “The internet is a terrifying place and I want her to make her own decisions about how she’s presented online,” she said.
Sister Initially Agrees To Her Wishes
OP went on to say that her sister has five children that she constantly posts on social media. She initially agreed to not post OP’s daughter on social media, however OP found out one day that her sister did not honour her wishes. “I told all my friends and family that I didn’t want her posted. Most people have respected my choices except for my sister. I told her not to post my daughter at all, and she told me she wouldn’t. But one day I was scrolling through my feed, and realized she had posted a photo of her kids holding my daughter.”
Feeling Betrayed
OP felt angry and betrayed after the incident and even got into a heated argument with her sister and would not back down until her sister took the picture down.
“I immediately got angry and told her to take the post down. We got into a fight and she told me she didn’t see the big deal. I yelled at her until she took the picture down, but it didn’t fix the betrayal I felt.”
This was when OP cried for hours. “My own sister, disrespecting me like that… I cried for hours,” she said.”
Her brother-in-law says she is being dramatic while her husband says she’s doing the right thing.
As the Mother, She Has the Right To Decide
As the mother of her daughter, most agree that she had the right to make that decision and that people should respect her wishes as the mother of her daughter.
One person said, “You are 100% right about not putting your child on social media. You are doing your job as a parent and protecting her. Your sister did betray you. You were right to be upset with her.”
Another said, “You set a boundary for your family, made it clear to your sister, and she crossed the boundary. When you allow someone to be around your children, that is quite literally the most precious, intimate thing you can trust someone with. She has done something to irrevocably break that trust. It doesn’t matter the reasoning behind your decision. It was your decision, she knew and agreed to the terms, and knowingly broke them. You’re not being dramatic.”
“A good rule of thumb is that you never post peoples kids, pets, private dwellings, or personal belongings without express permission. Your sister disrespected your wishes and you have right to feel betrayed,” was a comment left by another person that sympathized with OP.
Amongst all the positive comments reassuring her that she was doing the right thing, many people also suggest that she seek medical advice and make sure that she doesn’t have postpartum depression or anxiety as it is not normal to cry for hours. A concerned person commented, “she should have respected your wishes. That said, have you been screened for [postpartum depression or postpartum anxiety]? Crying for hours seems like a possible indicator that something else is going on. I’d recommend talking to your doctor about it if you have any concerns.”
Do you agree with OP or was she being a little dramatic?
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Source: Reddit