Woman Regrets Bringing Children Into This World

The Complaint

The woman said her daughter is 2-years-old and that she enjoys doing the ‘fun’ stuff together, such as going to trampoline parks, and vacations. However, she dislikes the day-to-day.

It Gets Different

One person said that children change all the time. “I won’t tell you it gets better because I don’t know what aspects of parenting really get to you or how your own past is influencing your experience.

Don’t Have Another Child

Another person said don’t have another child. “Just don’t have another and this too shall pass. Make sure though that you aren’t giving him/her too much power/decision making.

Some Applaud Her Honesty

Someone responded with, “that’s a pretty honest confession and I applaud you for it. Parenting can suck sometimes.”

Called “Terrible Two’s” For A Reason

“Eh, it’s culturally known as the “terrible twos” for a reason. You’re doing fine I’m sure! Nobody likes dealing with that.”