"Two Hour Wait For A Three Minute Ride? No Thanks" Disneyland Is No Longer Worth The Visit

The Queue Problem

One man, we'll call 'Terry' shared that everything at Disneyland is a queue, even for basic necessities like going to the bathroom or eating. 

Rides Wait Times Are Worse

Terry also noted that the wait times for rides can be up to two hours, which takes away from the overall experience. 

The Cost of Visiting

He also noted that the cost of visiting Disneyland has skyrocketed, saying, "on top of paying nearly $300 for one day at the park (hopper pass)...

Personal Experience

Terry shared, "We purchased a Genie+ pass which was just enough to get us on a few rides. 

The Competition

The author also noted that other amusement parks, like Universal Studios, offer similar ride technology and themed areas for less than half the cost of Disneyland. 

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