These Tips Will Help You Enjoy Planning Your Next Gender Reveal

If you’re planning one, then this checklist will come in handy. It covers all the important aspects of your gender reveal party, from decorations to food to games.

Set a budget

For smaller gatherings with just family and friends, you may be able to keep costs relatively low by purchasing basic decorations and making or downloading gender reveal games.

Choose a date and location

When planning a gender reveal party, you’ll need to decide when and where it will take place. Depending on the size of your guest list, you may want to rent out a venue or just host it at home.

Choose the venue

If you’re planning a larger gathering, you may want to rent out a space like a hall or restaurant. For smaller gatherings, you can always host it in your own home.

Create a timeline for the event and assign tasks

Once you’ve chosen a date, location, and guest list, it’s time to create an organized timeline for the event.


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