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Solve Your Picky Eater Problems With These Tips On How To Make Your Child Eat Vegetables

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Roast with Seasoning

One person shared that roasting vegetables make them more palatable: “Roast! Broccoli, asparagus, Brussel sprouts are amazing with olive oil, garlic, salt and pepper.”

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Chop them up and add them in lasagna

Another shared that they chop up the vegetables and add them in lasagna. Once cooked, it’s like they were never there at all.

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Try preparing them in different ways

Variety is key. One parent says their son eats vegetables because they prepare them in a variety of ways.

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Start giving them a variety of vegetables at 6 months old

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Tell them it will make them fart more

One person who was not a parent shared their own advice as someone who used to work at a daycare.

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