She Spends A Fortune On Beauty Pageants And Her Husband Is Fed Up

All His Children Participate In Beauty Pageants

“I feel so gaslighted about the whole situation so please let me know if I’m in the wrong here,” says the husband, a 30-year-old man who is married to a 25-year-old woman and has four young daughters.

He Hates The Competition

However, the husband is beginning to have second thoughts about his wife’s commitment to the pageants.

She Shuts Him Down

“When I bring this up to my wife and voice my concerns, she shuts it down and says ‘well I was in pageants since I was 10 months old and I’m just fine

He Criticizes Her

The husband told his wife that she is living vicariously through their daughters, and has been on the receiving end of the cold shoulder ever since.

People Agree With The Husband

While many may think beauty pageants are harmless, the husband is concerned about the well-being of his daughters. As one commenter says, “Your wife IS vicariously living through your daughters.