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She Is Shocked That Her Dad Wants To Set Up A Trust Fund For Her Child

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Her Dad’s Will

The woman, who we’ll call Claire, said that her dad added her child to his will. “My dad told me today that he has written a will in which half [of his estate] will go to me and half to my daughter. My dad is 70 now and my daughter is not even one.

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Inheritance Concerns

“I am concerned that this amount of money might come at the wrong point in her life and that I’ll have no say as it will be in her name.”

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Claire Did Not Expect This

“It’s really thrown me as it is just not something I ever thought about,” Claire said.

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Financial Responsibility

As a mom, she is concerned that having a large sum of money will not be good for her child.

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Speak To A Professional

Many urged her to ask her dad to seek advice from a legal expert, and that perhaps they can release the money at different points of her child’s life.

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