She Asked Her Child's Teacher To Stop Doing This - Is She Wrong?

The Backstory

“My husband and I have a 5-year-old daughter who’s currently attending kindergarten,” Susie said. “She’s the sweetest girl that there is and she has long hair.

The Dad Is Not Great At Doing Hair

“My husband is no master of doing hair and most of the time her pigtails or braids are crooked, but my baby loves her father and him doing it is one of her favorite things in the world.”

Susie Notices Her Daughter’s Hair

“These past few times I noticed that my daughter’s hair was well done despite knowing it was my husband who did it,” Susie recalls.

Susie Notices Her Daughter’s Hair

“These past few times I noticed that my daughter’s hair was well done despite knowing it was my husband who did it,” Susie recalls.

Daughter Sulks

After Susie compliments her daughter’s hair, her daughter became visibly upset and started sulking. “She got sulky and made a face,” Susie said.

Daughter Likes When Her Teacher Does Her Hair

“I asked if she liked her doing it and she said she did, but not when daddy made her hair because she liked his more.”