How To React When Your Adult Child Shares Their Mental Health Issues or Diagnosis

The good news is that some simple actions can help you respond to your adult child with love and support.

It is not easy to be the parents of adult children. It’s a delicate balance of respect and love; frankly, most of us are learning as we go.

Mental Health Issues  Can Be Challenging

It is not easy to be the parents of adult children. It’s a delicate balance of respect and love; frankly, most of us are learning as we go.

Mental Illness vs.  Mental Health Disorder

Each person has a unique experience navigating their mental health. It is crucial to choose your words carefully to show respect and acceptance around mental health issues.

Mental Health Diagnoses Can Be Isolating

Most people struggle with talking about mental health and often will respond with teasing or disrespect to break the tension they feel inside.

Talking About Mental  Health With Your Adult Child