Mother of 8-Month-Old Regrets Wasting Time Pumping – Here’s Why

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Exclusively pumping is a huge commitment, but it’s not without its rewards.

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The Backstory

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In a post on the r/beyondthebump subreddit, one mother recounted her story of exclusively pumping for her son. 

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She said she felt drained both physically and mentally. She explained, “I was exclusively pumping for 8 months and it really took a toll on my mental health.

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The mother also said that she felt guilty for not being able to breastfeed her son.

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The post has garnered over one thousand upvotes and dozens of comments.

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In the comments on the post

One user wrote, “I wish I had stopped at 4 months because I felt so drained and exhausted. I was so stressed about not being able to produce enough that I was constantly anxious and felt like a failure.”

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