15 Inexpensive Activities To Do With Kids This Summer

Frugal But Make It Fun: 

"Hide items around the yard or park and give them clues to find them. It’s a fun and interactive way to explore the outdoors.” 

Outdoor Scavenger Hunt 

“Create your own DIY water park using a sprinkler, water balloons, and a slip and slide. It’s a fun and refreshing way to beat the heat.” 

DIY Water Park

“Pack a picnic and head to the park for a day of fun. Bring along games, books, and activities to keep the kids entertained.” 

Picnic in the Park

“Take a nature walk with your kids and explore the great outdoors. Point out different plants and animals and teach them about nature.” 

Nature Walk

“Create your own DIY bird feeder with the kids. It’s a fun and easy way to attract birds to your backyard.” 

DIY Bird Feeder

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