Find Your Shade or Get Color Matched For Seint Makeup

Find Your Shade:

Pros: – You can purchase your makeup without waiting for anyone to give you your color match – You can get discount if you purchase a whole collection – Easy to order if you don’t want to spend time choosing and finding your shades – Best option for beginners

Find Your Shade:

Cons: – Cannot choose specific colors – need to purchase a whole collection – Color availability is limited – No connection to your Seint artist – might be difficult to navigate without a Seint artist

Swipe up to find your shade in the Seint Collections.

Getting Color Matched:

Pros: – You can get specific, custom color match based on your picture

Cons: – You need to take a selfie and send the selfie to your Seint artist

Swipe up to get a free custom color match.

How To Find A Seint Artist

You can find a Seint artist through social media platforms such as TikTok, Instagram, Facebook and Youtube, as most Seint artist demonstrate how to use Seint makeup through short videos in these platforms.

Purchasing Your Seint Makeup

You can purchase your Seint makeup by creating your own custom makeup palette using the color match results from your Seint artist.

Want to know more about Find Your Shade or Get Color Matched For Seint Makeup?