Criticizing Others in Front of Your Child Can Have Lasting Negative Effects

A woman recently shared her experiences of hearing negative comments from her parents about others in front of her and how it affected their self-esteem and confidence. 

Second Hand Nervousness

The woman, who we’ll call Anne, began telling her story. “Last week I went to my sons piano recital and I could sense myself being nervous on his behalf.

Her Realization

“After the first couple of students had performed it was pretty obvious that most kids were not piano protégés but just normal kids,” Anne said.  

The Flashback

Anne recalls, “I just remembered being a kid sitting next to my mom at a school concert and how she would put down the other kids.  

Life-long Low Self Esteem

I believe my mom had the best intentions but I think hearing her speak poorly about others may have been a contributing cause,” Anne said.

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