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9 Tips To Shed the Baby Weight While Breastfeeding

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The good news is that there are some things you can do to help yourself on your road to shedding those extra pounds you gained during pregnancy.

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Is it harder to lose weight while breastfeeding?

Many women find themselves with enough energy and an increased desire to be active after their babies are born, which can make dropping those extra pounds much easier for them.

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Does weight loss affect milk supply?

To maintain milk supply, it’s important that you are eating enough calories and drinking plenty of fluids.

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Can breastfeeding affect weight loss?

Yes! According to Kelly Mom, lactating requires an additional 200-500 calories per day because your body needs the extra energy to make breastmilk 

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Does breastfeeding make you hungry?

The body naturally craves more food during the first few months after giving birth because it is working to produce breastmilk.