9 Iconic Vintage Children's Toys Banned in the USA Today

Here are 9 children’s toys from the 80’s and 90’s that are banned in the USA today:

Lawn Darts A popular outdoor game in the 80s, but they were banned in 1988 due to safety concerns.

Cabbage Patch Snacktime Kids The doll’s mechanism was too powerful and could easily catch children’s hair or fingers, leading to injuries. The doll was eventually recalled and banned.

Sky Dancers A popular toy in the 90s and were designed to spin and fly through the air.

Aqua Dots the toy’s beads contained a toxic chemical that, when ingested, could cause serious health problems. The toy was eventually recalled and banned.

Easy-Bake Oven It was found to be a fire hazard and was eventually redesigned to be safer.

Jarts Jarts were a popular outdoor game in the 80s and were similar to Lawn Darts.

Yo-Yo Water Balls They were found to be a choking hazard and were eventually banned.

Clackers Clackers were a popular toy in the 70s and 80s and were made of two hard plastic balls attached to a string.

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9 Children’s Toys from the 80’s and 90’s That Are Banned in the USA Today