Brush Stroke

63 Perfect Baby Shower Gifts

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1. Baby Blanket You really can’t go wrong with a baby blanket! Blankets make cute and practical gifts for new parents that have even been used for gender reveal parties. 

For the Nursery

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2. Mobile A hanging mobile is a cute decoration for a nursery crib or bassinet and helps a baby’s learning and development.

For the Nursery

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15. Pampering Session for Mom A well-deserved pampering voucher at a spa or beauty salon is a great choice.

For the Parents

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16. Convenient Baby Carrier A baby carrier is a lifesaver for multitasking parents, allowing them to keep the baby close while keeping their hands free.

For the Parents

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27. Cotton Onesies Soft, comfortable onesies are essential for the baby’s everyday wear. 

Clothing & Accessories

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28. Baby Booties and Mitten These keep the baby’s hands and feet warm and protected. 

Clothing & Accessories

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