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11 Crazy Third Trimester Of Pregnancy Symptoms You Never Thought You’ll Experience, And How To Relieve Some Of The Pain

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Today we will talk about all the third trimester of pregnancy symptoms that you may be experiencing already. And if you haven’t experienced them yet, brace yourself!

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1. Round ligament pain We thought we’d start off with a basic one. Round ligament pain may have started earlier on, even as early as the second trimester.

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2. Braxton hicks As your body is preparing for labour, you may feel your belly getting hard– as in, rock hard.

3. Heartburn Because your baby is growing so quickly and squishing your organs, you may feel heartburn constantly

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4. Numbness and tingling in feet/hands and belly This one surprised me when I noticed for the first time! As your belly grows and your skin stretches

5. Bloated This one is definitely connected to the previous point.

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6. Super Stretched Skin For us pregnant ladies, stretched out skin is no longer a new thing.

7. Not Able To Roll From One Side To The Other While Sleeping You know you’ve hit a milestone in your pregnancy when you are lying on your side and this happens

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8. You will prefer sleeping at a 45 degree angle This can happen if you’ve been lying on your side day in and day out.

9. You will feel stinky and sweaty all the time If you’ve gained a lot of weight during your pregnancy, you may find that you are getting sweaty much more often

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10. Knee pain The best remedy: wear knee braces like this if needed, and avoid putting too much pressure on your knees.

11. Hip pain and pelvic bone pain The best remedy: Doing prenatal yoga that incorporates gentle pelvic bone stretches can relieve the pain and has the added benefit of helping your body get ready for labour.

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11 Crazy Third Trimester Of Pregnancy Symptoms You Never Thought You’ll Experience, And How To Relieve Some Of The Pain?

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