10 Parenting Tips from the 90’s That New Parents No Longer Follow

Letting babies cry it out

In the 90s, it was common for parents to let their babies cry it out when they were upset or needed attention. However, today’s parents are more likely to respond to their baby’s needs and provide comfort and reassurance.

Using baby walkers

Baby walkers were a popular item in the 90s, but they are now considered dangerous and are not recommended by pediatricians.

Putting babies to sleep on their stomachs

In the 90s, it was common for parents to put their babies to sleep on their stomachs. However, this practice is now known to increase the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).

Spanking as discipline

Today’s parents are more likely to use positive discipline techniques that focus on teaching and reinforcing good behavior.

Feeding babies solid food too early

In the 90s, it was common for parents to start feeding their babies solid food at a very young age.