Travel Nightmares: Parents Share Shocking Tales of Traveling with Young Children

Travelling with children can be quite the ordeal. Read through some of the experiences of real people that had a tough time travelling with toddlers so you can be prepared for your next trip.
Projectile Number Two

One woman recounted the time she travelled with her 18-month-old. “He had an ear infection and had just started antibiotics. Well the antibiotics gave him explosive diarrhea in the airport. My husband took him to a family bathroom to clean him up, but he wasn’t finished and projected round two all over the wall and changing table. We had to call for janitorial support.”
Long Road Trip With Toddler

“We drove from East Anglia to Ireland for a wedding with our 18 month old. We thought we’d make a holiday out of it and overnighted in Holyhead, Wales one night, 5 nights in Ireland, 2 nights in wedding hotel and then one night in Wales again. So much driving, packing and repacking with a cranky toddler and not much fun for us – just doing normal stuff but without any friends, family or daycare. Toddler refused to sleep most of the week.”
Long Flights With Baby On Lap

“There was the time my husband and I took our 22-month-old and 3-month-old on the red eye to and from Quebec for his grandma’s funeral, both on laps. 4.5 hours flights to get from Edmonton to Toronto, plus a 1 hour flight to get to Quebec City, then 3 hours in a rental van to get to our destination. And then repeat in reverse 4 days later. Good times.”
Nosy Seat Mate

“Its 28 hours from San Francisco to Cape Town (where I was born). When my son was 2, we flew there to visit my sister. On the 2nd leg from Istanbul to Cape Town (18 hours) my son understandably was getting antsy. We had a German lady demand that we “play with him more, do something!” to make him quiet down. I stood up and in a very calm voice told her to put on her headphones and be quiet. Didn’t hear from her again.”
Milk And Cheese

“Our kid filled up on milk and cheese on our international flight and right as the plane started decent into Paris, he just barfed all over himself and the car seat. We cleaned it up the best we could, but we still had a layover, second flight and a two hour drive, all of which were consumed with the smell of spoiled milk. Even as gross as it all was, I have no regrets. I can’t wait until we can travel again.”
Tall Toddlers

“My toddler twins are extremely tall for their age and no longer fit in pack n plays but are also not ready to sleep outside of a crib. We took a weekend trip the other week and brought two entire full size cribs with us. Ridiculous.”
Songs On Repeat

“When I was moving back to my home state with my then-14 month old, she would only not scream if we played a certain song on repeat. It was a 14 hour drive and she didn’t sleep much.”
Calling For The Authorities

“My daughter screamed “call the cops! I want to go home with my mommy” for the last 45 minutes of a 2-hour flight.”
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Source: Reddit