These Natural Teething Remedies For The Baby Are Better Alternatives For Medical Products
Teething can be a horrible time for babies. Not only does a new tooth cause pain and discomfort for your little one, it also can be scary to have something new growing inside their mouth. While there are lots of products on the market, such as baby Tylenol and teething gels, these products can be dangerous for your child. Before you go shopping at the pharmacy aisle, try some of these natural remedies to stop teething pain.
What most people don’t realize is that not all babies are in horrible pain while teething, they’re simply uncomfortable and scared. The option many people skip to cure teething pain is to distract the baby with a toy. Focusing on the pain can make it worse, so try to give them something else to think about.
Another natural cure for teething pain is giving the baby something to chew on. Pressure on their gums will not only feel good, it will distract them from the pain and discomfort by giving them something to do.
Here are some ideas for what to give your baby.
* Frozen teething ring. While the cold helps numb baby’s sore gums, freezing normal rings can make them hard and uncomfortable. They now make soft teething rings that stay soft when you freeze them. Just be careful; soft rings can break open if chewed to hard. Make sure the ingredients inside wont harm your baby.
* Frozen washcloth. Just wet it down and pop it in the freezer. It has all the benefits of the teething ring, but it’s softer for more sensitive babies.
* Food. Frozen bananas can be something new and different for a baby that doesn’t want their teething ring. Plus they taste good too. Just don’t give a baby with teeth since they can break off and choke on.
* Teething Biscuits. While the teething biscuits that your mother gave you contain chemical you probably don’t want baby to have, they do make new organic biscuits you can give. Just be sure to check that they’ll dissolve in your mouth before giving them to your child so there’s no risk of choking.
If you’ve tried all these options and nothing’s working, don’t worry just yet. There are natural products and herbs you can give your baby before turning to medicines. Here are just a few that others have found helpful. Check with a doctor before giving anything to your child.
* Natural teething tablets. The best one’s to use contain Chamomilla for irritability and Belladonna for inflammation. They come in a form that dissolves in your child’s mouth so there’s no risk of choking.
* Clove oil. This is pretty potent stuff; so you want to dilute it. Just mix a few drops with 2 tablespoons of safe, edible oil and rub into baby’s gums. The rubbing action will also soothe them as well.
* Vanilla extract. Rubbing a little bit on baby’s gums not only feels warm and soothing; the vanilla also has a calming effect.
If you’ve tried all these remedies and nothing has worked, take your child to their pediatrician. A common problem is that parents may miss signs of an illness because they think the crying and fussiness is caused by teething. The most important thing to remember with a teething baby is patience. When you get upset and frustrated, you child gets upset and frustrated too.