The Unseen Privileges Men Enjoy – 12 Eye-Opening Examples

While both men and women face challenges in life, there are certain privileges that men have that women will never experience. Here are some of these privileges.

Going To The Bathroom

Man Peeing in Toilet
Image Credit: Odua Images via

Men have the privilege of being able to pee standing up without having to take off their pants.

No Periods

Happy Man Celebrating His Success
Image Credit: Viktor Gladkov via

Men don’t have to experience the pain and inconvenience of menstruation.

Freedom from Harassment

Man Celebrating Success and Prosperity
Image Credit: Gajus via

Men don’t have to fear being harassed on the streets, at work, at home, at school, or at a club.

Gaming and Sports

Friends Watching Sports Game on TV
Image Credit: Зображення користувача Maksym Povozniuk via

Men don’t have to prove their legitimacy as gamers or sports fans.

Childfree Choice

Portrait of Male Lawyer in Office
Image Credit: pixelshot via

Men aren’t judged or criticized for choosing to not have children, and it’s not seen as going against their gender’s “natural instinct” or role in society.

Masculine Hobbies

Workout Man Pushups
Image Credit: Kzenon via

Men can enjoy traditionally “masculine” hobbies like sports without being accused of doing it just to impress men.

Wage Gap

Portrait of Man with Money
Image Credit: Khosro via

Men often earn more than women in the same job with the same experience and seniority.

Language Stereotypes

Men Talking on the Riverside
Image Credit: pixelshot via

Men who talk a lot or dominate conversations are seen as assertive or strong, while women are often labeled as bossy or too talkative.

Political Representation

Men in Suits
Image Credit: Dean Drobot via

Men are overrepresented in Congress, making up 73% of Congress but only 49% of the population.

Personal Hygiene Products

Male Shower Naked Shoulders Skin Care
Image Credit: SHOTPRIME via

Men don’t have to pay extra for personal hygiene products the same way women do for products like tampons and pads.

Gender Stereotypes

Proud Bearded Man Pointing on His Biceps
Image Credit: Khosro via

Men aren’t expected to conform to gender stereotypes like swearing less or being more submissive.

Parenting Praise

Young Father Holding a Newborn Baby
Image Credit: halfpoint via

Men can receive praise for ordinary parental duties or for being a single father, while mothers are simply expected to do the same and even criticized for being a single mother.

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Surprised woman shouting over pink background
Photo credit: Deposit Photos.

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Hmm touch decision. Thoughtful and serious pensive adult
Photo credit: Deposit Photos.

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Couple at home with two daughters
Image Credit: DGLimages via

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Family Sofa Time
Image Credit: DGLimages via

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9 Monday Morning Habits to Help You Get Through the Day

woman in bed
Image Credit: EdZbarzhyvetsky via

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Source: Reddit

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