The 11 Hardest English Words for Non-Native Speakers to Say

Learning English can be a challenging task, especially when it comes to pronunciation. In this listicle, we’ll explore some of the most difficult English words to say for non-native English speakers.

“‘Sixths’. Honestly, I see native speakers struggle with this one too.”
Happiness and Focus

“‘Happiness’ for French people and ‘focus’.” Try to say this with a French accent and you’d understand.
Rural and Plural

“Words like ‘rural’ and ‘plural’. They’re like one-word tongue-twisters to me.”

“Clothes. I have a hard time not pronouncing it like ‘close’ or ‘cloves’.”

“All of Germany: squirrel.”

“Three. It always comes out as free or tree.”


“Worcestershire. No one knows how this is supposed to be pronounced.”

“Sorry seems to be the hardest word.”
Words with R

“Anything with R in it trips me up.”

“‘Particularly’ is particularly difficult.”
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Source: Reddit