Top 15 Surprise Pregnancy Announcement To Husband

This post is all about the best surprise pregnancy announcement to husband.

Some of the most exciting and memorable moments in a couple’s life together are those shared during pregnancy. It is an incredible time of love, hope, and anticipation for what will come next.
A little surprise can spark some major excitement on this journey through parenthood! We’ve put together 15 super cute surprise pregnancy announcement to husband ideas that you’re sure to love as well as tips to help you create your own special message.
All it takes is a few minutes and a whole lot of creativity! So get inspired below with these fun ways to tell your man he’ll soon be a daddy for the first time!
How long you should wait to tell your husband you’re pregnant
For some ladies, when the first find out that they’re pregnant, the first person they want to tell is their mother, or thier best friend. it’s understandable, because you want them to share this joyous news with you. However, like many things in our life, there are rules about who is supposed to be told first and how it should be done. I am sure that all of us at one time or another has broken some sort of rule about sharing the news with our loved ones. Let’s face it, sometimes you can’t contain yourself. However, there are certain rules that should be followed in order to maintain respect and dignity for your husband. This rule may be different across different cultures.
While there are certain conventions about the time frame in which a woman tells her husband she is pregnant, many women have different opinions about when is the proper time to tell their husbands they are expecting. Some people feel that you should wait until you have passed the first trimester; others feel that you should wait until the end of your first month. While there is no right or wrong time regarding this, it is always better to not rush into telling him and rather wait a couple of weeks before declaring it.
You don’t want to cause yourself unnecessary stress by rushing into sharing the news; while at the same time, you don’t want to prolong the time for so long that your husband starts worrying about it. Since you are embarking upon this new journey with him by your side, it is best to tell him as soon as you’re ready, within a few weeks from when you found out about your pregnancy.
The best time to tell your husband that you’re pregnant
What’s the best time to tell your husband that you’re pregnant? We suggest you save this for a day he is especially happy. Nervous? He might not be as supportive as you thought, especially if it’s unplanned. On the other hand, he may be over the moon excited about the news!
Every couple who wants to start a family has their own approach on how they’ll announce it to friends and family, but what about how you’ll break the news to your husband? It’s an exciting announcement, and some wives practice telling their husbands first before spilling the big news.
So when is the best time?
According to Jennifer Moss , relationship expert and CEO of, the best time to tell your husband that you’re pregnant is:
“When he’s feeling good about life, has just had a victory or received some great news,” Moss said. “His mood will help determine if this moment is right and how he’ll receive the information. (Maybe not in his crazy football watching days.)”
Wait for him to get home and gauge his mood. If he’s keen on starting a family, announcing the pregnancy after a stressful day may help relieve some of the stress, but if it’s not something you both were expecting, then wait for a day when he’s in a better mood.
How did I announce my pregnancy to my husband?
For my husband and I, our first pregnncy was not planned, as we had just gotten married a few months earlier and thought we had a longer timeline before having our first child. However, when I missed my period for a few weeks, I knew something was up. My husband and I are very open to each other and know practically everything that’s going on in our everyday lives, so keeping it a secret was not an option.
In short, I didn’t announce my pregnancy to my husband, simply because we had gone through speculating whether I was pregnant together. One Saturday after I had a really bad case of nausea and a covid-19 scare, I decided to take the pregnancy test with him and voila: I was in fact, pregnant. We ended up finding out and being surprised about our pregnancy together, at the same time.
How do you tell your husband you’re pregnant when it wasn’t planned?
If you recently found out you’re pregnant and it wasn’t planned you should assess the situation first: Are you both financially stable and able to have a child? Is your husband eager to have a child or is he waiting for a few years? Does your husband even want a child? If after asking yourself these questions, you find that he will be excited to have a child, then go ahead and use the list below to get a good idea on how you can surprise your husband with the good news!
If you think on the other hand that he will react negatively to the news, it’s best for you to take a moment when he’s in a good mood and sit him down to tell him the big news. Once you’ve gotten him to sit with you to talk about this life-changing announcement, don’t beat around the bush: tell him straight on.
Having a child is blessing, but one that will completely change your life. Take the time to speak with your husband about the news so that you can discuss all the challenges and rewards that starting a family will bring. It’s definitely hard to have a child, but so so rewarding.
Top ways to announce your pregnancy to your husband
Without further ado, here’s a round up of the top surprise pregnancy announcements to husband.
1. “We’re Pregnant!” gift package
What better way to say we’re pregnant than a cute gift package for the dad-to-be!
2. Make a list of all the things you want for your baby’s room and put it in an envelope taped to his pillow
This is a cute way to share the good news before the day is over. What a great way to end the day!
3. Draw a picture of yourself pregnant with his child and leave it somewhere he’ll see it
Whether or not you’re artsy, the personal touch is sure to win over his heart.
4. Buy him a gag gift
Make him laugh by getting him a gag gift that also doubles as a pregnancy announcement! This one from Etsy is so fun!
Related post: 9 Fun Baby Reveal Ideas Announcement To Announce Your Pregnancy
5. Create a pregnancy announcement video
If you can manage to get a lot of time away from your husband to film and edit the pregnancy announcement video, this would be a great idea! And it’s a great keepsake to keep for your future child to see when they are older.
6. Buy him a new tie and attach the card with the announcement
If your husband is a suit and tie guy, then this is the perfect way to announce your pregnancy!
7. Buy his favorite dessert and write a cute “I’m pregnant!” note in the packaging
What a sweet way to tell your husband that he’s about to be a dad!
8. Put an ultrasound picture inside of one of his favorite books or magazines
He’ll never expect an ultrasound picture tucked in his book, so he will surely be surprised! But make sure it’s tucked in where he last left off, or you run the danger of him never seeing the picture!
9. Leave a message for him on the bathroom mirror telling him you’re pregnant
While he’s in the shower or even before he gets in the bathroom, you can write the message on the bathroom mirror for him to find!
10. Buy him his first Father’s Day gift
Use Father’s Day as an opportunity to announce the good news to your husband by getting him a gift he can’t forget!
11. Write a cute letter to your husband, letting him know that you’re pregnant
If you’ve got a way with words, then write a cute letter announcing your pregnancy! Make him swoon!
12. Make a list of all the reasons why you’re excited to be a mom
Make a list of 5-10 and make sure to leave it where he can find it! He might be confused at first, but he’ll catch on– he may even make his own list!
13. Get him a mug that says ‘you’re gong to be a dad’ at the bottom of the glass
We love this idea! Buy the mug and make him coffee in it! When he finishes his drink he’ll have a pleasant announcement waiting at the bottom of the cup!
14. Take him on a special date and tell him over dinner
Gotta love any reason to go on special dates, and being pregnant is the best reason to go on a date!
15. Leave Pregnancy Test On Coffee Table
Once he sees the pregnancy test he’ll be curious to see the result!
This post was all about the best surprise pregnancy announcement to your husband.
We hope this list helped you in your search for the best way for you to let your husband know about your pregnancy! Let us know what you think in the comments below!
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