Neat Freaks Rejoice Top Tips for Keeping Your Home Tidy with Kids

One man is wondering how he can keep the house clean with two young children at home.
Parenting is a full-time job, and one of the biggest challenges is keeping the house clean when you have kids. It can be mentally exhausting and frustrating to constantly clean up after them. In a recent discussion, parents shared their coping mechanisms and advice on how to handle the constant cleaning required when you have kids.
Mentally Exhausting

The original poster (OP) said, “My wife and I find ourselves cleaning 2 hours during the course of the day which can be mentally exhausting and extremely frustrating.”
“I just can’t seem to let go of the idea that the house will be a perpetual mess so every night we do a thorough cleaning and get the place to look as clean as possible.. only to do it again the next day. I just can’t go to bed with a mess everywhere and there is no way to prevent the mess unless you spend the entire day picking up.”
Spend Time Outside

One person advised OP to spend as much time outside as possible. “You won’t be there to see the mess, and the mess won’t multiply if you (and the kids) are not there. Win-win.”
In theory, it’s not a bad idea.
Get Rid Of Items

Another person said maybe OP needs to get rid of some stuff. “You need to get rid of some stuff if you’re doing two hours of cleaning at night.”
Adjust Your Expectations

One parent advised, “Adjust your expectations of your home while your kids are young. Your kids need present parents who let them be kids. If your need for cleaning is taking away from that then it’s a problem.” It’s important to remember that kids are messy and that’s okay. Instead of striving for a spotless home, focus on spending quality time with your kids.
Let Kids Help

The parent also suggested, “As they get older they can assist you with cleaning up their toys and rooms before they go to bed. By 3 they should be able to clean up no problem.” By involving your kids in the cleaning process, you can teach them responsibility and make it a fun activity.
Spread Out Cleaning Tasks

“Vacuuming, dusting, etc doesn’t need to be a daily thing. Your dishes don’t need to be unloaded as soon as the dishwasher is done.” Instead of trying to do everything in one day, spread out the cleaning tasks throughout the week.
Embrace the Mess

“If you have a playroom – let it be played in! Throw the toys in at night and close the door. Do a weekly tidy and set it right again and start fresh.” It’s important to let kids be kids and embrace the mess. Don’t worry about Pinterest-worthy aesthetics, just focus on creating a fun and safe space for your kids to play.
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Source: Reddit