Moving This Summer? Here Are 19 Tips To Moving Without Stress

Moving season is here. Relocating can be stressful with tasks like packing & logistics, but it's manageable with the right preparation. Following strategic tips can simplify your move and provide peace of mind. Whether downsizing, job relocating, or seeking a change, use these stress-free tips for a smooth move.

Start Early and Plan Ahead

Start your moving process weeks in advance. Outline all tasks: sorting belongings, packing, hiring movers, and setting up utilities. Beginning early prevents last-minute stress.

Declutter Before Packing

Sort through items to decide what to keep, sell, donate, or toss. Decluttering reduces packing volume, saves on moving costs, simplifies setup, and is emotionally freeing.

Create an Inventory and Label Boxes

Inventory & labeling your move helps track items & ensures nothing gets lost. It aids in organized unpacking & lets you prioritize boxes on necessity.

Pack an Essentials Box

Pack a box with essentials like toiletries, clothes, tools, medications, documents, phone chargers, snacks for easy access on arrival at your new home. It keeps you comfortable when everything else is packed.

Hire Reputable Movers

Hire reliable movers with good reviews and fair rates to ease the physical stress of moving and ensure your belongings are secure.

Use Quality Packing Materials

Invest in sturdy boxes, packing tape, bubble wrap, and packing paper. Proper materials reduce damage and stress from broken items at your new home.

Take Breaks and Stay Hydrated

Moving is tough both physically and emotionally. Ensure to take breaks, stay hydrated, and consume healthy meals to maintain energy and lessen the strain of moving day.

Enlist Help from Friends and Family

Ask friends/family for help with moving tasks like packing, heavy lifting. A great bonding experience, show gratitude with a thank you note or meal, be ready to reciprocate.

Keep Important Documents and Valuables With You

Keep personal items, jewelry, and valuables with you during the move. Pack separately and transport in your vehicle to lessen the risk of loss or damage.

Plan for Pets and Children

Arrange for a pet sitter or childcare on moving day. Post-move, familiarize them with the new home and pack a bag of their favorite comfort items to help them settle in.

Schedule Utilities for Your New Home

Arrange transfer or initiation of essential utilities (electricity, water, gas, internet, cable) before moving to your new residence for a comfortable, hassle-free settling in.

Take Photos of Electronic Setups

Snap a photo of cable setup before unplugging electronics. It'll be a useful guide when reconnecting devices in your new home, making it easier to identify where each cable goes.

Pack Room by Room

Tackle one room at a time to stay organized. Avoid mixing items from different rooms in the same box for easier unpacking and arranging in your new home.

Measure Furniture and Doorways

Before moving, measure your large furniture and areas like doorways, staircases, and elevators to ensure everything will fit, avoiding last-minute stress.

Change Your Address

Update your address with the post office, banks, employers and subscriptions early to avoid missing mail or packages at your old address.

Prepare Your New Home

Clean your new home before moving in; it’s easier without furniture. If buying, many realtors offer a cleaning service for the new home, so be sure to inquire.

Stay Flexible

Stay flexible and positive for unexpected issues during moving. Being adaptable reduces stress and helps manage surprises.

Celebrate the Milestone

Moving is tough, so celebrate once you're in your new home. Whether it’s a small housewarming party or a quiet meal, it offers closure to the move and welcomes the new space.

Rest and Recover

After moving, rest and recover. Moving is physically and emotionally draining. Allocate a few days to settle in your new setup, recharge, and tackle unpacking with fresh energy.

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