Awful Baby Names And Youtube Families: 10 Things Millennials Will Be Blamed For in 50 Years

As the first digital-native generation, millennials have been blamed for many societal changes and trends. Here are 10 things that millennials may be blamed for in 50 years.

YouTube and TikTok Families

“YouTube and TikTok families. Maybe a rampage of stolen identities because how many parents currently share their children information online.”

Raising Babies with Tablets and Internet

“For raising their babies with tablets and internet.”

Collapse of Digital Privacy

“Collapse of digital privacy.”

Awful Baby Names

“Awful baby names.”

Being Robophobes

“Being robophobes. No, I don’t respect your relationship with an AI bot.”

Open-Concept Houses

“Open-concept houses with grey/beige/taupe everything, sharp edges, and vessel sinks.”

The Rise of AI

“The rise of AI. Also, basically everything that will be wrong at that time.”

Painting Over Hardwood Trim

“Painting over hardwood trim, cabinets, etc.”

White Farmhouse Decor

"Houses in white, adorned with 'farmhouse' trinkets and signs, are impractical if you live on a farm or near a dirt road and enjoy fresh air."

Not Solving Existential Problems

"We're patting Gen Z on the head, letting them solve humanity’s existential problems, just like past and future generations. It’s the circle of life."

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