8 Millennial Trends That Gen Z Vows Never To Copy

Gen Z draws inspiration from millennials, but not for all trends. Explore 7 millennial habits Gen Z won't follow through this listicle.

Weird Eyebrows

One trend that Gen Z is unlikely to adopt is the trend of overly drawn-on or unnatural-looking eyebrows.

Hipster Food

Gen Z likely won't follow the trend of expensive, deconstructed food. "Why pay $50 for a salad when you can go peter rabbit and get food from a local garden?"

Impact Font Memes

Impact font memes started with millennials, and will also die with millenials.

“Only 90’s Kids Remember This”

Where did the “Only 90’s Kids Remember This” memes start? Whoever started it, Gen Z doesn’t want to copy it, as they say it’s ‘gatekeeping’ childhood.


While Facebook may have been popular among millennials, Gen Z is unlikely to follow suit. “NONE of that age group use Facebook. It’s an ‘old person’s thing’ to them.”

Relationship with Gen X

Gen Z promises to avoid the generational conflicts millennials have with baby boomers, especially with Gen X. Time will tell how this will play out.

Cancel Culture

"Cancel culture is rising, but Gen Z may resist it more than millennials. "I hope cancel culture gets cancelled. Many are falsely accused for internet points."

Childhood Gatekeeping

Finally, Gen Z is unlikely to gatekeep childhood in the same way that millennials have. “As a Gen Zer I hope we will not gatekeep childhood like millennials do.”

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