7 Children-Friendly Home Remedies for the Cold or Flu This Season

Cold and flu season hits kids harder than adults. Parents can act to keep kids healthy. Here are 7 tips to prevent cold or flu this season.

Wash Hands Frequently

Avoid illness by frequently washing hands, especially pre-eating & post-restroom. Use warm water & soap, scrubbing for 20s. Teach your kids this too.

Cover Mouth and Nose When Sneezing or Coughing

Teach your kids to cover their mouth/nose when sneezing to prevent germ spread. Promote tissue/elbow use over hands.

Avoid Touching Eyes, Nose, and Mouth

Germs spread when we touch our face. Teach kids to avoid face-touching to lessen infection risk.

Stay Home When Sick

Keep your sick child home to prevent spreading germs. Ensure they rest and hydrate.

Eat a Healthy Diet

A healthy diet boosts your child's immunity. Encourage fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein. Avoid sugary, processed foods.

Get Plenty of Sleep

Getting enough sleep is important for maintaining a strong immune system. Make sure your child gets plenty of rest each night, and establish a consistent bedtime routine.

Stay Active

Boost your child's immunity with regular exercise, either outside, in sports, or dancing at home.

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