Heavy Lifting, Long Trips And More: Things You Should Never Do In Your Third Trimester Of Pregnancy

Heavy Lifting, Long Trips And More: Things You Should Never Do In Your Third Trimester Of Pregnancy

If you’re pregnant and are now entering or are well into the third trimester, maybe some of the first-trimester blues are coming back: you might be feeling more tired now, you might always need to catch your breath, and you’ve found new parts of your body that constantly hurts (hip pain or lower back pain…

“He Doesn’t Eat What I Cook” She’s Furious That Her Husband Keeps Getting Takeout

“He Doesn’t Eat What I Cook” She’s Furious That Her Husband Keeps Getting Takeout

When we’re hungry and there’s nothing to eat, we usually get takeout. But what about when there’s a nice warm home cooked meal waiting for us? Do you think it comes across as ungrateful if a person continues to eat takeout when his wife put in the effort to make a nice home cooked meal?…

Happiness And Financial Freedom: 9 Things Regular People Will Never Experience

Happiness And Financial Freedom: 9 Things Regular People Will Never Experience

There are some experiences that are so rare or exclusive that most people will never have the opportunity to experience them. In this listicle, we’ll explore some of the things regular people will never experience. Hearing Your Own Music on the Radio Hearing your own music on the radio is a rare and exciting experience…

Loneliness And Less Social Support – 11 Real Disadvantages Of Staying Single For Life

Loneliness And Less Social Support – 11 Real Disadvantages Of Staying Single For Life

While staying single for life is a valid choice, it can also come with some disadvantages. Here are some reasons why staying single for life may not be the best choice for everyone: Lack of Emotional Support One of the biggest disadvantages of staying single for life is the lack of emotional support that comes…

Hide Veggies In Lasagna And More Tips! 10 Genius Ways To Make Your Kids Eat Vegetables

Hide Veggies In Lasagna And More Tips! 10 Genius Ways To Make Your Kids Eat Vegetables

Many children seem to hate eating vegetables. How can you make them eat vegetables? This list will give you some tips on how to make your children eat more vegetables. Roast with Seasoning One person shared that roasting vegetables make them more palatable: “Roast! Broccoli, asparagus, Brussel sprouts are amazing with olive oil, garlic, salt…

Did You Send Your Invitations Yet? This Baby Shower Checklist Will Help You Make Sure You Have Everything Under Control

Did You Send Your Invitations Yet? This Baby Shower Checklist Will Help You Make Sure You Have Everything Under Control

When it comes to party planning, there’s really only two types of people: the ones who love it, and the ones who would rather have someone else plan the party. No matter which type of person you are, we can all agree that being pregnant means you have less energy to fuss around and figure…

Start A Business And Start Small: 11 Overlooked Ways to Earn Money According To The Internet

Start A Business And Start Small: 11 Overlooked Ways to Earn Money According To The Internet

We all want to be wealthy, but not everyone becomes wealthy in their lifetime. These are some pieces of advice that people say helped them achieve financial independence. Start Small and Focus on Progress Starting a business or making money can be overwhelming, but it’s important to start small and focus on progress. As one…

“My Postpartum Wife Isn’t Pulling Her Weight” He Thinks Wife Needs To Do More Around The House

“My Postpartum Wife Isn’t Pulling Her Weight” He Thinks Wife Needs To Do More Around The House

One man took to Reddit to complain about the split of chores around the house after having a baby. The original poster (OP) shares his frustration online. Fair Split Of Chores Before Baby The OP and his wife are in their mid 30’s. Before having a baby, they used to split the tasks around the…

Cautionary Tales: 11 Millennials Share Things From The Past That They Deeply Regret

Cautionary Tales: 11 Millennials Share Things From The Past That They Deeply Regret

As millennials continue to navigate adulthood, many of them have regrets about their past decisions. Here are some of the biggest regrets that millennials have shared. Letting Trauma Get in the Way “Letting my trauma get in the way of being successful and instead of dealing with it, I drank away a full ride scholarship….

10 Daycare Teachers Share Dubious Things Parents Have Said To Them

10 Daycare Teachers Share Dubious Things Parents Have Said To Them

Daycare teachers have a tough job, taking care of young children while their parents are at work. However, sometimes parents can make the job even tougher with the things they say. Here are some of the scariest things parents have said to daycare teachers. No Napping “I’d actually prefer they don’t nap. Can you accommodate…

Do You Even Know Basic Chores? 7 Things To Teach Your Kids By 18

Do You Even Know Basic Chores? 7 Things To Teach Your Kids By 18

What are the things you think children should know by the time they’re 18? Different people have different ideas on what things children should know by the time they’re 18. These 7 things are the most popular things that children should learn before reaching adulthood. Kindness and empathy. A desire to learn and grow. Many…

“Mommy, I Need A Bath” Daycare Tells Preschooler She Smells Bad And Her Mother Is Furious

“Mommy, I Need A Bath” Daycare Tells Preschooler She Smells Bad And Her Mother Is Furious

A mother is seeking advice after her 4-year-old daughter came home from daycare and told her that one of the daycare providers told her she smells bad and needs to take a bath. The mother is trying to gather more information and plans to talk to the daycare provider, but is unsure of how to…

Too Trusting And Difficulty Sharing: 12 Signs Someone Is An Only Child

Too Trusting And Difficulty Sharing: 12 Signs Someone Is An Only Child

Growing up as an only child means you have completely different experiences growing up compared to someone who grew up with siblings. Here are ten dead giveaways that someone is an only child according to Reddit users. Trusting Easily “I told my boyfriend to close his eyes and open his mouth (I was surprising him…

Narcissistic Feminists Angry At Man After He Expresses Love For His Wife

Narcissistic Feminists Angry At Man After He Expresses Love For His Wife

One man shared his feelings about his wife online. However, his language of choice was met by raised eyebrows from angry feminists.  Man Shares His Feelings In A Quote In a world where beauty standards are constantly changing, it’s refreshing to hear a story that highlights the true essence of love beyond physical appearance. This…

More Kids, More Happy? People Weigh In On Whether You Should Have Kids To Solve Sadness

More Kids, More Happy? People Weigh In On Whether You Should Have Kids To Solve Sadness

One woman posed a question about whether she should have a second child to increase her happiness. The responses were divided. The question of whether having a second child increases happiness is a topic of interest for many parents. Many ask this question when deciding whether they want to try for a second or third…

“Showering Daily Is A Waste” Fanatical Environmentalist Is Angry That She Showers Everyday

“Showering Daily Is A Waste” Fanatical Environmentalist Is Angry That She Showers Everyday

A woman we’ll call Rose faces criticism from her long-distance boyfriend, John for showering daily. John is staying with her for the first time and he is advocating for showering every other day. This has led to a heated discussion between the couple, with Rose questioning whether she is in the wrong. She Showers Everyday…

Product And Office Managers: 10 Low Effort Jobs with Surprisingly High Salaries – Do You Agree?

Product And Office Managers: 10 Low Effort Jobs with Surprisingly High Salaries – Do You Agree?

Many people assume that high-paying jobs require long hours and hard work. However, there are some jobs that pay well while requiring minimal effort. In this listicle, we’ll explore some of the low effort jobs with surprisingly high salaries. Top Secret Clearance Jobs Jobs that require a top secret clearance, such as janitorial work at…

Chicken, CheezIts And More: Pregnant Women Share Cravings They Just Can’t Control – No Matter How They Try

Chicken, CheezIts And More: Pregnant Women Share Cravings They Just Can’t Control – No Matter How They Try

Pregnancy cravings are a well-known phenomenon, but some cravings can be more intense than others. In this listicle, we’ll explore some of the pregnancy cravings that women just can’t have ‘in moderation.’ Cheez-Itz “For me, Cheez-itz. 27 weeks and this baby is made of those damn crackers. I swear we buy a box a week.”…

Is Making Small Talk Creepy Now? Opinions Are Divided

Is Making Small Talk Creepy Now? Opinions Are Divided

Small talk is a common social interaction that can help break the ice and establish connections with others. However, some people find it uncomfortable or even creepy. One person shares disappointment with the fact that small talk is now seen as ‘creepy’, however, others have differing thoughts. The Social Contract is Broken “I was raised…

These Old Wives Tales Boomers Perpetrate About Pregnancy Should Be Ignored – Have You Ever Heard These?

These Old Wives Tales Boomers Perpetrate About Pregnancy Should Be Ignored – Have You Ever Heard These?

Pregnancy is a time when many old wives tales and myths come to the forefront. While some of these tales may have some truth to them, others are completely false. Here are 11 pregnancy old wives tales that are totally false: Carrying High or Low Indicates Gender There is no scientific evidence to support the…

What Was It Really Like Growing Up in the 80s-2000s? Netizens Share Their Thoughts

What Was It Really Like Growing Up in the 80s-2000s? Netizens Share Their Thoughts

Growing up in different eras can have a significant impact on our experiences and perspectives. In this article we’ll look at what it was really like living and growing up in the 80s-2000s according to people who experienced it firsthand. Nostalgia for a Simpler Time The original poster (OP), posted this inquiry: “I was born…

Does Breastfeeding Actually Make You Lose Weight? Reddit Users Weigh In

Does Breastfeeding Actually Make You Lose Weight? Reddit Users Weigh In

Many people say breastfeeding will make you lose weight, however women’s experiences differ. We compiled the answers from Reddit users on whether breastfeeding actually made them lose weight postpartum. Depends On Genetics “I think this is one of those things that really depends on your individual genetics. I have been exclusively breastfeeding for 14 months,…

South Asian Family Confused With Lack Of Food At North American Parties

South Asian Family Confused With Lack Of Food At North American Parties

A woman from South Asia is struggling to adapt to the culture of hosting and feeding guests in North America. The woman, who we’ll call ‘Lea’ recently attended a pool party where the host served only a small platter of kebabs and bread, and later offered animal crackers and toast when the children became hungry….

Woman Refuses To Receive Help From In-Laws To Repair Their Home Which Results In Falling Out

Woman Refuses To Receive Help From In-Laws To Repair Their Home Which Results In Falling Out

A woman initially accepted help from her mother-in-law to repair their home, however she now realized she would rather not have her mother-in-law involved.  Couple Moves Out Of State A 25-year-old woman, who we’ll call Rachelle, is questioning whether she was in the wrong after having a falling out with her 60-year-old mother-in-law. The conflict…

Toy Rotation And More: 10 Ways to Live Clutter-Free Even with Small Children

Toy Rotation And More: 10 Ways to Live Clutter-Free Even with Small Children

Living clutter-free with small children can seem like an impossible task, but it is possible with some simple strategies. Here are some ways to keep your home organized and clutter-free, even with little ones running around: Purge Regularly One of the most important things you can do to live clutter-free with small children is to…

Thinking Of Having Another Child? Here Are 10 Disadvantages Of Having Multiple Kids

Thinking Of Having Another Child? Here Are 10 Disadvantages Of Having Multiple Kids

While having multiple kids can be a rewarding experience, it can also come with some disadvantages. Here are some reasons why having multiple kids may not be the best choice for everyone: Financial Strain One of the biggest disadvantages of having multiple kids is the financial strain that comes with raising a larger family. With…

On The Fence About Marriage? Here Are 10 Advantages Of Getting Married

On The Fence About Marriage? Here Are 10 Advantages Of Getting Married

Getting married is a big decision, but it can also provide many benefits. Here are some advantages of getting married: Emotional Support One of the biggest advantages of getting married is the emotional support that comes with having a partner. Your spouse can provide a listening ear, a shoulder to cry on, and a source…

Is It Harsh To Say You Regrets Bringing Children Into This World? One Woman Doesn’t Think So

Is It Harsh To Say You Regrets Bringing Children Into This World? One Woman Doesn’t Think So

A new parent shares her frustrations with motherhood, and how she realized that parenting is not for her. The responses are mixed. The Complaint The woman said her daughter is 2-years-old and that she enjoys doing the ‘fun’ stuff together, such as going to trampoline parks, and vacations. However, she dislikes the day-to-day. “I hate…

Woman’s Mother Is Furious After She Refuses To Let Her Mother Watch Her Give Birth

Woman’s Mother Is Furious After She Refuses To Let Her Mother Watch Her Give Birth

A woman is adamant that her mom is not allowed in the delivery room as she gives birth. Her mother is offended – who is in the wrong?  Mother Insists On Being In Delivery Room As a first-time mother, the prospect of giving birth can be both exciting and daunting. However, one 20-year-old woman, who…