Parents Sitting With Children Reading Story

Pay It Forward – Teaching Your Kids to Overcome the Entitlement Mentality

In this day and age, many parents are concerned about their children developing an “entitlement mentality”. Maybe you’re a parent who’s already seen this mentality exhibited in your kids. Teaching your kids to “pay it forward” – that is, to give back to others and their community – is a remedy of sorts for the…

Baby toddler eating pancakes with fork

These Natural Teething Remedies For The Baby Are Better Alternatives For Medical Products

Teething can be a horrible time for babies.  Not only does a new tooth cause pain and discomfort for your little one, it also can be scary to have something new growing inside their mouth.  While there are lots of products on the market, such as baby Tylenol and teething gels, these products can be…

mother breastfeeding little baby on bed at home

These Are The Benefits Associated With Breastfeeding Your Baby

We live in a bottle feeding society.  Many mother’s not only find bottle feeding more convenient, they have also been led to believe that feeding formula is somehow better for them and their baby.  This information is flat out wrong.  The benefits of breastfeeding for you and your baby generally far outweigh any risks or…