A Cheap Ring Proposal Gone Wrong – Here’s What Happened Next

The tradition of proposing with a ring is arguably a recent phenomena that symbolizes love, commitment, and the promise of a shared future. However, a recent Reddit post has sparked a heated debate after a woman shared her decision to reject her boyfriend’s proposal due to the perceived inadequacy of the engagement ring. The story has ignited discussions about the significance of material gestures in relationships and the expectations of generosity and care.

6 Figure Salary

Woman sitting at table and pointing with finger
Photo credit: ArturVerkhovetskiy via Deposit Photos.

“My boyfriend and I both make over $100K. I make more than him. He proposed with a ring that looked and felt cheap. He got a $500 ring off of Etsy. I said no to his proposal.”

She Values Generosity

Couple man and woman holding two halves of broken heart
Photo credit: Deposit Photos.

“If I’m going to marry someone, I want them to be generous with others. If my children wanted to be in extracurriculars, I want a man who would not bat an eyelash if they needed new equipment. I would want a man who spends time with his children and would give them the best part of the meat or the last snack. I would want a man who thinks of others before himself.”

Marriage Should Be About Love

Excited man with idea
Photo credit: IgorVetushko via Deposit Photos.

“He said it shouldn’t be about the ring but about the love we have for each other. I told him he clearly doesn’t love me enough if he cheaped out on a ring while buying himself a high-end Tesla.”

The Importance of Thoughtfulness

Portrait of pensive woman looking away while reading book
Photo credit: VitalikRadko via Deposit Photos.

“I would have been happy with a $500 ring if it were a different man. If he was poor and that was what he could afford and he thought about the ring, I would’ve been happy.”

The Break Up

Upset woman with husband during breakfast
Photo credit: AlexLipa via Deposit Photos.

“I don’t feel like ruining my body and the rest of my earnings potential for a man who has demonstrated that he will not care about small things. I broke up with him.”

The Conflict of Priorities

Man hugging irritated brunette woman looking at camera
Photo credit: Deposit Photos.

“He wanted me to be a stay-at-home mom. Like I said, I’m not ruining my body and wasting my earnings potential for a man who is tight-fisted with other people and yet spends money on himself.”

A Gold Digger?

woman isolated on blue background showing that she has no money
Photo credit: Deposit Photos.

“He called me a gold digger. If I was, I’d get an older, wealthier man to pay my bills while I stay home. AITA?”

Justified Cause

Handsome young man showing thumb up and smiling
Photo credit: EdZbarzhyvetsky via Deposit Photos.

Many agreed with the original poster (OP)’s stance. One person said, “If he made $10k/year, you’d be in the wrong. But this situation is different. To those that think OP is the one only thinking of money, what about him? OP buying a 2k watch is all I needed to know about her supposed greed. To those that say it’s the thought that counts, He didn’t put any thought into the engagement ring. Actually, he did put too much thought into not spending too much money. He is showing the value he places on the marriage. This isn’t a modest ring, it is a cheap ring. There’s a difference.

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Distrustful sceptical middle-aged man
Photo credit: Deposit Photos.

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Confused female teacher in glasses
Photo credit: Deposit Photos.

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14 Ways To Keep The Love Aflame Even After Kids

Couple eating food sandwiches in Stockholm
Photo credit: Deposit Photos.

Having children can be one of the most rewarding experiences in life, but it can also take a toll on your romantic relationship. Between the demands of parenthood and the stresses of daily life, it can be easy to let your relationship with your partner fall by the wayside. But with a little effort and intentionality, you can keep the love aflame even after kids. Here are some tips to get you started:

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Portrait of young man embracing attractive girlfriend
Photo credit: AllaSerebrina via Deposit Photos.

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11 Hilarious Times People Realized Their Dates Weren’t the Brightest

Man wearing bonnet
Photo credit: Deposit Photos.

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Source: Reddit

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