10 Signs That You’re A Boomer And Gen Z Is Judging You

As generations change, so do the things we love and enjoy. While some things remain timeless, others become outdated and are no longer appreciated by the younger generation. Here are ten things that old people love but young people don’t understand why.
Being the First to Break Bad News

Older people love to be the first ones to break bad news, especially when it comes to their neighbors. As one window cleaner shares, “Over the years, I’ve found they LOVE to be the first one to tell me one of the neighbors has died. To the point where if I say ‘yeah, Thelma already let me know,’ they look genuinely disappointed and annoyed that they weren’t the one to break the news to me.”
Protecting Their Property

Older people take great pride in their property, and they will do anything to protect it. As one person shares, “I love my hedge, and some drunk kid fell in it. Big hole. Will take four years to grow back. This ‘get off my lawn’ moment awakened the old in me.”
Enjoying ‘Old People’ Clothes

Older people have a different sense of style than younger generations, and they often enjoy ‘old people’ clothes. As one person shares, “I used to point out new arrivals to my daughter to see if she liked them, and she would say ‘Ugh. Those are old people clothes!’ One day she came in, looked around and said ‘You guys are starting to get some pretty good stuff.’ I laughed because nothing had really changed, and watched the expression on her face change as it slowly dawned on her.”
Sitting and Watching the World Go By

Older people in some cultures enjoy sitting outside and watching the world go by. As one person shares, “In my country (Brazil), old people sit in front of their houses and do absolutely nothing for hours, just watching people and cars go by.”
Traditional Music

Older people often enjoy traditional music that younger generations find unappealing. As one person shares, “There is this weird type of traditional Vietnamese music my parents said that only old people like, and they could not stand it either. A decade later and apparently they enjoy it. I await my turn in fear.”
Watching the News

Older people often watch the news constantly, a habit that younger generations find unnecessary.
Playing Slot Machines

Older people enjoy playing slot machines for hours on end, a pastime that younger generations find boring and unappealing. As one person said, “All the casino ads make it look like you’ll be gambling in Monaco with a bouncy, joyful group of young people – then you go in and it’s endless rows of blank-faced olds jamming on those buttons.”
Sharing Ailments

Older people often share their various ailments with anyone who will listen. As one person shares, “Telling anyone who will listen about their various ailments. Look, I’m 57, so I’m ancient. But I vowed early on that I will not become one of these over-sharing old people.”
Fine China and Silverware

Older people often appreciate fine china and silverware, items that younger generations find unnecessary and outdated. As one person shares, “Fine china and silverware. It’s pretty in the way anything made in bulk can be, it’s expensive, has very little resale value, fragile, and virtually useless unless you’re trying to impress another old person.”
Relaxing in a Recliner

Older people often find relaxation in a recliner, which is something that younger generations find boring and unproductive. As one person shares, “Oh my god, just sitting down in my recliner is glorious. Younger people may think I’m nuts, but I have so much stuff going on, it’s nice to just sit down and relax.”
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As generations change, so do the things we love and enjoy. While some things remain timeless, others become outdated and are no longer appreciated by the younger generation. Here are ten things that old people love but young people don’t understand why.
10 Signs That You’ve Crossed Over To The ‘Old’ Category And ‘Young’ People Are Judging You
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Source: Reddit