10 Questions You Should Never Ask Aquaintances – They’re Ruder Than You Think

When meeting someone for the first time or getting to know an acquaintance, it’s important to be polite and respectful. Here are ten questions to avoid asking an acquaintance if you want to be polite.

How Much Money Do You Make?

woman isolated on blue background showing that she has no money
Photo credit: Deposit Photos.

Asking someone how much money they make is not only impolite but also invasive. It’s best to avoid this question altogether.

Are You Single?

Beautiful naked woman closing ears and smiling at camera
Photo credit: VitalikRadko via Deposit Photos.

Asking someone about their relationship status can be uncomfortable and put them on the spot. It’s best to let them share this information on their own terms.

When Are You Going to Have Kids?

Portrait of upset woman showing fists isolated on white
Photo credit: IgorVetushko via Deposit Photos.

Asking someone about their family planning can be intrusive and insensitive. Avoid this topic unless they bring it up themselves.

Have You Lost Weight?

Depressed patient crying and gesturing in therapist office
Photo credit: VitalikRadko via Deposit Photos.

While it may seem like a compliment, asking someone if they’ve lost weight can be uncomfortable and put them on the spot. It’s best to avoid commenting on someone’s weight altogether.

What’s Your Religion?

Businessman with outstretched hand
Photo credit: TarasMalyaverich via Deposit Photos.

Asking someone about their religion can be a sensitive topic and may make them feel uncomfortable. Unless they open up the topic, don’t bring it up.

Have You Had Plastic Surgery?

Woman talking by phone
Photo credit: ArturVerkhovetskiy via Deposit Photos.

Asking someone about their appearance or whether they’ve had plastic surgery can be invasive and rude. Just let it go.

What’s Your Age?

Young african american girl in red dress doing dubium
Photo credit: IgorVetushko via Deposit Photos.

Asking someone about their age can be uncomfortable and may make them feel self-conscious. You can ask this question once you’ve had more interactions, but avoid asking this to someone you just met for the first time.

What’s Your Political Affiliation?

Portrait of attractive businesswoman in formal wear
Photo credit: AndrewLozovyi via Deposit Photos.

Asking someone about their political affiliation can be a sensitive topic and may lead to an uncomfortable conversation. Avoid this question unless you’re willing to accept differences in political views, or if you’re ok to sever the relationship.

What’s Your Sexual Orientation?

Tired businesswoman with headache
Photo credit: IgorVetushko via Deposit Photos.

Asking someone about their sexual orientation can be invasive and disrespectful. It’s best to let them share this information on their own terms.

Why Don’t You Drink?

young dentist with crossed arms looking away
Photo credit: AllaSerebrina via Deposit Photos.

Asking someone why they don’t drink can be uncomfortable and may make them feel self-conscious. It’s best to respect their decision and avoid this question altogether.

Things Women Do That Instantly Makes Them Unattractive To Men

Distrustful sceptical middle-aged man
Photo credit: Deposit Photos.

Everyone has their own personal preferences when it comes to attraction and relationships, but there are certain behaviors that can be universally unappealing. Here are 10 things women do that give men the “ick”.

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Photo credit: AllaSerebrina via Deposit Photos.

Choosing a life partner is one of the most important decisions you’ll ever make. It’s important to choose someone who is compatible with you and with whom you can build a life together. However, many people make mistakes when choosing a life partner. Here are some common mistakes people make when choosing a life partner.

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Photo credit: Deposit Photos.

Have you ever been on a date and realized that your partner wasn’t the smartest cookie in the jar? These people share their hilarious stories of the times they realized their dates weren’t the sharpest tool in the shed.

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10 People Share Red Flags They Saw In Their Exes – Do You See Any Of These In Your Current Partner

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Photo credit: Deposit Photos.

Breaking up is never easy, but sometimes it’s necessary to end a relationship that is not healthy or fulfilling. Looking back on past relationships, there may have been red flags that were missed or ignored. Here are the red flags 9 people saw in their exes.

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14 Ways To Keep The Love Aflame Even After Kids

Couple eating food sandwiches in Stockholm
Photo credit: Deposit Photos.

Having children can be one of the most rewarding experiences in life, but it can also take a toll on your romantic relationship. Between the demands of parenthood and the stresses of daily life, it can be easy to let your relationship with your partner fall by the wayside. But with a little effort and intentionality, you can keep the love aflame even after kids. Here are some tips to get you started:

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